Server Settings

Under server settings, you can configure the mail server for sending notifications, alerts, etc., from the product and proxy settings in case you are using a proxy server. The following settings can be found here:

Mail Settings:

  1. Go to Admin --> Server Settings

  2. Under Mail Settings tab, the settings are divided into two sections:

Mail Server Settings

  1. Enter the Server Name or IP and Port Number of your Mail Server in the respective fields

  2. Select the Connection Security type. You can choose from either SSL or TLS.

  3. If authentication is required for accessing the Mail Server, select ‘Requires Authentication’ option and enter the username and password credentials necessary to access the mail server

  4. Click Save Settings

General Settings:

  1. In From Address field, enter the email address that will be used to send out notifications, alerts, etc., from AD360

  2. In Admin Mail Address field, enter your email id if you wish to receive notifications for the emails sent from AD360

  3. Click Save Settings

Proxy Settings:

  1. Go to Admin --> Server Settings

  2. Click on the Proxy Settings tab

  3. Select Enable Proxy Server option

  4. Enter the Server Name or IP and Port Number of the proxy server in the respective fields

  5. Enter the username and password credentials for accessing the proxy server

  6. Click Save Settings