Dashboard names will be displayed in English, even though ServiceDesk Plus is configured in another language.
Deleted tickets appear under Reports
Tickets that have been deleted from your ServiceDesk Plus application will be removed from Analytics Plus only after a period of 24 hours.
Export error
Trying to export a report or dashboard with non-english data, is unsuccesful. Users are requested to contact our support team for assistance on resolving the problem or receiving a workaround.
Applications Manager
Combined alarm charts will include unmanaged monitor alarms.
Monitor group alarm related charts will include unmanaged monitor alarms.
An attempt to drill down on certain charts, throws an error. Please contact our support team for workarounds.
Combined alarm charts will include unmanaged alarms
Monitor group alarm related charts will include unmanaged monitor alarms.
OpManager Integration
Opmanager and Analytics Plus need to be running on the same time zone.
Technician details and acknowledgement status will not get appended in the OpManager alarms table unless there is a change in alarm severity.
Only the latest 1000 alarms will be synchronized from Opmanager.
An attempt to drill down on certain charts, throws an error. You can contact our support team for a workaround.
Categorization of managed and unmanaged devices will not happen when Analytics Plus is synchronized with Opmanager Enterprise central server. This may lead to some reports displaying "No data". Analytics Plus can be integrated with the respective probe servers as a temporary workaround.
Applications Manager Integration
Analytics Plus API returns an empty string when the character count in a column exceeds 300 characters. You can contact our support team for a workaround on the same.
ServiceDesk Plus and ServiceDesk Plus MSP Integration
Synchronization with ServiceDesk Plus is known to fail if there are special characters in the service catalog name. Underscore (_) is accepted in the service catalog name.
Import from local and cloud databases
While importing date columns from local and cloud databases, the date format should be set to DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm:SS. The date columns will not be fetched if a different format is used.