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Download APM Insight Agent for Applications Manager

APM Insight is an add-on in Applications Manager that offers deep application insights with the help of agents. APM Insight agent is not a standalone product, it will work only in combination with ManageEngine Applications Manager.

To start using the APM Insight module in Applications Manager, you have to install the necessary agents based on your environment. Select the appropriate agents from the links below:

APM Insight Java Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using builds 16530 & above (Supported for Java from v1.8 to v22)
Customers using builds 15510 & 16520 (Supported for Java from v1.5 and v16)
* Use Java agent v5.5 to onboard older JRE version based apps(below Java v1.8) in the latest Applications Manager, given it may lack latest features & metrics.

APM Insight .NET Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 14440 & above apminsight-dotnetagent.msi*
Customers using build No. 14430 & below apminsight-dotnetagent.msi*
* Supported for .NET Framework Version 3.0 & above IIS 6.0 & above

APM Insight .NET Core Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 14570 & above
* Supported for .NET Core Version 2.0 to 3.1 & .NET Version 5.0 to 7.0

APM Insight Node.js Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 16610 & above
Customers using build No. 14440 to 16600

APM Insight PHP Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 16700 & above Windows | Linux(glibc) | Linux(glibc arm) | Linux(musl)
4.4 (supports PHP v7.0 - v8.3)
Customers using build No. 14440 & 16690 Windows | Linux (glibc) | Linux (glibc arm) | Linux (musl)
3.5.1 (supports PHP v5.5 - v8.1)
* DataExporter service installation is mandatory for this agent monitoring.

APM Insight Ruby on Rails Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 14440 & 16690 apminsight.gem*
Customers using build No. 14430 & below apminsight-1.1.gem*
* Supported for Ruby 1.8.7 & above and Rails 3.0 & above

APM Insight Python Agent

Who should upgrade? Agent Downloads Agent Version
Customers using build No. 16650 & above
* DataExporter service installation is mandatory for this agent monitoring.

Data Exporter

Who should upgrade? Exporter Downloads Exporter Version

Customers using build No. 16650 & above
Windows | Linux | ARM
(Supported for PHP Agent v4.5)
Windows | Linux | ARM
(Supported for PHP Agent v4.0 - v4.4 & Python Agent v1.1)
* Supported for PHP and Python

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