apiKey* API Key to access your OpManager server.
serviceName* Service Name to be added
portNumber Port Number of the service
timeOut* Timeout value in seconds. Default value 0.
failureThreshold* Consecutive time value to generate service down alert. Default value 1.
autoDiscovery* True - Need to check and add this service during discovery. Otherwise false
apiKey* API Key to access your OpManager server.
destHost* Destination Host.
destPort* Destination Port(0 – 65536)
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
ruleName* - Name of the rule
facilityName* - SysLog Facility
severityList* - SysLog Severity(Comma Seperated)
alertSeverity* - OpManager Alert Severity
alarmMessage* - OpManager Alert Message
matchString - String matched with incoming syslog message
consecutiveTime* - consecutive time
timeInterval* - time interval
(if rearmFacilityName selcted then rearmSeverityList shoule be selected)
rearmFacilityName - facility name for rearm syslog
rearmSeverityList - severity list for rearm syslog
rearmMatchString - String matched with incoming syslog for rearm
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
entity - Entity of the alarm.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
entity - Entity of the alarm.
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
source* - Name of the source device of the event.
severity* - The severity of the event. Following are the severity levels and its ID:
Critical - 1
Trouble - 2
Attention - 3
Service Down - 4
message* - The message that is displayed when the event is generated.
alarmCode - Unique string used to trigger the event. Eg:-Threshold-DOWN
entity - Uniquely identifies the failure object within the source.Events will be correlated into alarms according to the entity field. Multiple events with the same entity will be grouped as a single alarm.
eventType - Description of the event type
apiKey* - API Key to access your OpManager server.
entity* - Entity of the alarm.
notes* - Text that has to be added as notes to the alarm.