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Organizations need to audit their print server to analyze what data is being printed, the volumes of data that is being printed, and who is printing sensitive data. Such audits also help organizations understand their printing costs. A printer audit report can help you prevent data exfiltration, and insider attacks. For example, you can immediately get to know if your most sensitive data ends up in the wrong hands. It can also help you optimize your printer usage as you get to know what printers are being used the most. Regular auditing will help an organization to identify points of vulnerability and focus on working on necessary security measures. Hence, print server audit reports are as important as user management reports.
This article compares how you can get print server reports using Windows PowerShell, and ADAudit Plus, a comprehensive Active Directory auditing solution.
The very first step is to enable print event logging.
$aPrinterList = @() $StartTime = "22/04/2020 00:00:01 AM" $EndTime = "23/04/2020 6:00:01 PM" $Results = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName="Print Server03/Operational"; ID=307; StartTime=$StartTime; EndTime=$EndTime;} -ComputerName "print-03" ForEach($Result in $Results){ $ProperyData = [xml]$Result.ToXml() $PrinterName = $ProperyData.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param5 If($PrinterName.Contains("HP-6850-03")){ $hItemDetails = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ DocName = $ProperyData.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param2 UserName = $ProperyData.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param3 MachineName = $ProperyData.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param4 PrinterName = $PrinterName PageCount = $ProperyData.Event.UserData.DocumentPrinted.Param8 TimeCreated = $Result.TimeCreated } $aPrinterList += $hItemDetails } } $aPrinterList | Export-Csv -LiteralPath C:\PrintServer\PrintAuditReport.csv
Under the Printer Auditing Tab, we can find the below reports:
These reports help you:
Why ADAudit Plus is the better solution for you?