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How to get the last logon date and time of an AD user

ADManager Plus enables you to know the last logon time of users in your AD using the:

  1. Real Last Logon report: This report gets the last logon date and time of all AD users, or users in specific OUs or groups, as per your requirement.
  2. Recently Logged On Users report: This report lets you view users who logged in during the last N days, or after a specific date, along with the last logon time.

a. Using the Real Last Logon report

Use this report to get the last logon date and time of AD users.

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Go to User Reports > Logon Reports > Real Last Logon.
  3. Select the domain for which you wish to generate this report.
  4. To know the last logon time of users in a specific Organizational Unit (OU) or group, click [Advanced Filter] located beside the domain field. In the window that opens up, select the desired groups or OUs.
    1. To select users from specific groups, click the Groups tab, select the necessary groups, and click OK. You will now be able to view the list of users in the selected groups. Click OK.
    2. To select users from specific Organizational Units, click OUs tab, select the necessary OU, and click OK. You will now be able to see the list of users in the selected OUs. Click OK again.
  5. Click Generate to view the report. If you wish to export this report, click Export As located just above the report, and select the desired format.

Get last logon details of Active Directory users.

Note: By default only a specific set of attributes or fields are displayed in the report. If you wish to view other fields or attributes too, click Add or Remove Column option located just above the first row of the report and select the necessary fields.

b. Using the Recently Logged On Users report

This report displays the list of all users who logged on during the last N days, along with their last logon time.

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. Go to User Reports > Logon Reports > Recently Logged On Users.
  3. Select the domains for which you wish to generate this report. To get this report for specific OUs, click Add OUs, which is displayed next to the Selected Domain checkbox.
  4. Select the desired time for which you wish to generate the report.
  5. Click Generate to view the report. To export this report in HTML, Excel, PDF, or CSV format, use the Export As option located just above the report.

Find recently logged on users in Active Directory

Note: By default, only a specific set of attributes or fields are displayed in the report. If you wish to view other fields or attributes too, click Add or Remove Column located just above the first row of the report and select the necessary fields.


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