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How to modify Terminal Services Profile & Environment for a user?

The terminal service settings allow you to set profile path, home folder path and environment for Remote user in Active Directory (AD). This allows the users to have the same profile setting irrespective of the device from which they log in.

Objective: To modify Terminal/ Remote services' profile settings for AD users.

Solution: ADManager Plus helps you configure terminal services settings quickly and efficiently for multiple users using CSV import or for individual users using customizable templates and more.

3 ways to configure terminal services profile settings for Active Directory user accounts:

1. Bulk User modification using CSV import

  1. Logon to ADManager Plus. Click Management tab.
  2. On the left pane, select User Management.
  3. From the Bulk User Modification section, under Terminal Services, select Terminal Services Profile. .
  4. Configure the User Profile and Home Folder paths; specify the application to be launched, drives and devices to be connected on logon, in the Environment section.
  5. Select the domain in which the users for whom you wish to configure the terminal services settings, are located. You can either choose multiple users one-by-one or use the CSV import option.
  6. Upload the CSV file containing a list of sAMAccountName of users you wish to modify. You can learn more about CSV import here.
  7. Select the desired users from the CSV and click Apply.
Bonus hack: Press Ctrl+Space to access the Global Search option and enter the setting name to directly go to that window!

2. Using User Modification templates

  1. Logon to ADManager Plus and click Management.
  2. Under User templates, click User Modification Templates.
  3. Click Create New Template.
  4. Set a name and description for the template. Click Terminal tab.
  5. Configure the User Profile and Home Folder paths; specify the application to be launched, drives and devices to be connected upon logon, in the Environment section under Profile/Environment.
  6. Click Save Template.
  7. Navigate to Management tab on the home page.
  8. Based on your requirement, choose either Modify Single User or Modify Bulk users.
  9. If you had chosen Modify Single User option, then select the user you wish to modify. In case you have chosen Modify Bulk Users option, import a CSV containing the details of users you wish to modify. The LDAP attribute for this setting is tsAllowLogon. You can learn more about modifying bulk users using CSV, here.
  10. Under templates, choose the modification template created in step 4.
  11. Click Preview to check if the changes to be made are correct and then click Update User.

3. Using Automation

  1. Logon to ADManager Plus and click Management.
  2. Under User templates, click User Modification Templates.
  3. Click Create New Template.
  4. Set a name and description for the template. Click Terminal tab.
  5. Choose the desired settings for Remote Access Permission under the Sessions/Remote Control section.
  6. Configure the User Profile and Home Folder paths; specify the application to be launched, drives and devices to be connected upon logon, in the Environment section under Profile/Environment.
  7. Click Save Template.
  8. Navigate to Automation tab on the home page.
  9. On the left pane select Automation and click Create New Automation.
  10. Set a suitable Automation name and description. Choose 'User automation' as the Automation Category and select the domain you want to configure the automation for.
  11. Under the Tasks to automate section, select modify user by template as the Automation Task. Select the User modification template created earlier .
  12. Choose Dial-in Deny Access report as the report from which objects are to chosen.
  13. Note: Enable Implement workflow if you to review and approve this task in this automation. Learn more about configuring workflows here.
  14. You can also select the time and frequency of the report generation and enable notifications if you want the technician to be notified every time the automation gets executed.
  15. Click Save.


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