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Restore deleted Active Directory users

Accidentally deleting user accounts in Active Directory (AD) can disrupt productivity and cause downtime. With ADManager Plus, a backup and recovery tool, administrators can quickly restore deleted AD users without relying on complex scripts. This tool provides a user-friendly interface for performing AD restorations for deleted users individually or in bulk. Admins can easily recover AD accounts using search options or CSV imports, effortlessly restoring deleted accounts.

From deleted account restorations to bulk recovery, ADManager Plus eases the burden on IT admins while ensuring that users regain access without delays.


  • The Recycle Bin feature should be enabled for the configured domain. Only then will all the user account attributes be restored.
  • If the Recycle Bin is not enabled for your domain, user accounts can still be restored, but only their mandatory attributes.
  • The deleted user accounts will be restored with all the attributes intact only in AD 2008 R2 and above (the versions that have the Recycle Bin feature enabled). In the earlier versions, the user accounts will be restored only with the mandatory attributes.

Steps to restore deleted AD users

  1. Log in to ADManager Plus.
  2. Navigate to Management > User Management.
  3. Under Bulk User Modification, select Restore Deleted Users.
  4. Select the desired domain.
  5. Enter the names of the users you wish to restore, separated by commas, and click Search. Alternatively, you can use the CSV Import option to restore multiple deleted AD users at once.
  6. Once the users are listed, check the box next to the user accounts you want to restore and click Apply.

    Restoring AD users using ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus is your one-stop solution for all your AD, Microsoft 365, Exchange, and Google Workspace management needs. From automating routine tasks like user provisioning and account unlocks to cleaning up your AD, ADManager Plus streamlines every aspect of AD management.


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