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Knowledge Base

ADManager Plus startup failed. You do not have sufficient privileges to start the product

Error message: Product startup failed. You do not have sufficient privileges to start the product.

Possible cause for the error:

The user is not granted Modify permission for the following folders.

  • lib
  • lib\license
  • bin
  • bin\license
  • temp
  • tools
  • webapps\adsm\temp
  • webapps\adsm\charts
  • pgsql\data
  • logs

Note: Some of the folders listed above might not be available during the startup, they are created later when the product is used.


  • Follow the steps given below to set the necessary folder permission (Note: In most cases only the administrator can assign folder permissions).
    1. Right-click on lib folder in the ADManager Plus installation folder and click Properties.

    2. Go to Security tab, click on Edit.

    3. Click Add and search for the user. Click OK.

    4. Select the user and select the Modify checkbox.

    5. Once the permissions are assigned, click OK. Repeat the same steps for the rest of the folders mentioned above.

  • Follow the steps in this guide to improve the security of your ADManager Plus instance.
  • Please contact your administrator if you are unable to launch the product even after following the above mentioned steps.


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