Report types in Schedule Reports

Applications Manager has the following report types under Schedule Reports:

 Report type  Description  
Alarm Sends the alarm report details of selected monitors over a period of time. It shows alarm occurrences for the application, attributes grouped in the application, and monitors, with graphical representation. You can choose the monitor, the period, and also resources for which you want the report to be generated.
Advanced Reports Sends the details of all the selected Advanced Reports. Refer to know more about configuring Advanced reports.
At a Glance Report Sends the performance of the monitors within the selected monitor group. You can choose the monitor/monitor group/type, the period, and also resources for which you want the report to be generated.
Attribute Sends the attribute report details of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the monitor group/type, the period, and also resources for which you want the report to be generated. In addition to that, associate specific attributes and business rules, and filter them by custom fields.
Availability Sends the availability report of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the monitor group/type, the period, and also resources for which you want the report to be generated. In case you choose monitor group, a valid business rule needs to be associated to it.
Availability & Health Critical Snapshot Sends the critical availability and health snapshot of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields.
Availability & Health Current Snapshot Sends the current availability and health snapshot of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields.
Availability & Health History Sends the health and availability history of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields. A valid business rule needs to be associated to it.
Availability Trend Sends the availability trend details of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields. A valid business rule needs to be associated to it.
Availability and Downtime Trend Sends the availability and downtime trend details of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields. A valid business rule needs to be associated to it.
Capacity Planning Sends the capacity planning reports for the selected monitors. Select the server type (Undersized Servers/Oversized Servers/Idle Servers), monitor groups and servers for which you want to generate a report.
Custom Attributes Sends the custom attribute details of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields.
Dashboard Report Sends the details of all the selected dashboards.
Note: Dashboard report does not support the following list of widgets:
  • Attributes Alarm Widget
  • Heat Map Widget
  • Monitor Status Overview
  • ADDM Dependency Map
  • Monitor under Downtime Schedules/Unmanaged Widget
  • Alarm Summary Widget
  • Business View Widget
  • Topology Map View
  • World Map View
  • Embed Web Page
Database Users Report Sends the details of all the database users in selected databases. Currently, only MS SQL and Oracle databases are supported.
Downtime History Sends the downtime summary for all monitor groups and also the downtime history for specified number of monitors, in the order of least availability, across all time periods. Select the report period and the number of monitors for which you want the report to be generated.
Downtime Summary Report Sends out a downtime summary for all the resources that are monitored across the specified time periods. Select the number of monitors, report period, and the time at which you want the report to be generated, scheduled and sent in HTML format to the specified email ID.
EUM At a Glance Report At a Glance report of a particular EUM Monitor across locations. You can choose the period and resource types for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields.
EUM Summary Report
(across locations)
The summary report of a particular EUM Monitor across locations. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields.
Forecast Report Sends the forecast report of selected attribute.
Health Sends the health report of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the monitor group/type, the period, and also resources for which you want the report to be generated.
MS SQL Job History Report Sends the history report of SQL jobs. This option is available only in managed servers and professional editions.
MS SQL Failed Job History Report Sends the history report of SQL jobs that have failed in the last 24 hours. This option is available only in managed servers and professional editions.
MS SQL Performance Report Sends the performance report of MS SQL database. Choose the performance type, report period and the resources for which you need a report.
Outage Comparison Sends the outage comparison details of selected monitors over a period of time. You can choose the period for which you want the report to be generated and filter them by custom fields. A valid business rule needs to be associated to it.
Query Results Report Sends the query output of selected database query monitor tables. This option is not available in admin servers, it's only available in managed servers and professional editions.
Server Utilization Report Sends the overall server utilization report (comprising of CPU, Memory and Disk Utilization in percentage) for the selected monitors over a period of time.
SLA Sends the details of SLAs of selected monitors. You can choose the period and which SLA resources for which you want the report to be generated.
Summary Sends the summary of all the reports for that particular monitor. You can choose the period and resource types for which you want the report to be generated.
Threshold and Action Profile CSV Sends the details of all the thresholds and action profiles of the selected monitors in CSV format. You can choose whether to generate a report for Monitors not associated to any Monitor Groups or Monitors do not have Threshold/Action association ot all monitors.