AddMonitor APIs - Virtualization

This section explains how to use the AddMonitor API to add monitors of the category type Virtualization. The following monitors are supported:

Supported HTTP methods: POST

Allowed roles: Administrator

VMware ESX/ESXi Server



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer to the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be VMware ESX/ESXi.
host The name of the host where the VMWare ESX/ESXi server is running.
port The port number where the VMware ESX/ESXi server is running.
username The user name of the VMware ESX/ESXi server.
password The password of the VMware ESX/ESXi server.
addtoGroup Denotes if the monitor should be added to monitor group. Value is either true or false
groupID The monitor group ID
monitorvms Indicates the way how the virtual machines of the ESXi server are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • no - VMs will not be discovered.
  • onlyavailability - VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored. (Will not count for licensing)
  • yes - VMs will be discovered and monitored.
DiscoveryFilterRegex (optional) The Discovery Filter Regex based on which the virtual machines are to be discovered and monitored.
discoverInterval The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes.
version Specifies the version of the cryptographic protocol used to secure communication between client and server. Possible values: SSL/ TLSv1/ TLSv1.1/ TLSv1.2

Sample Request

  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=VMWare ESX/ESXi&displayname=vnwgroup&host=esx-2&port=443&username=admin&password=appman&addToGroup=true&groupID=10000024&monitorvms=onlyavailability&DiscoveryFilterRegex=VIRTUALMACHINE_NAME=test.*&version=[SSL]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]
  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=VMWare ESX/ESXi&displayname=vnwgroup&host=esx-2&port=443&addToGroup=true&groupID=10000024&monitorvms=onlyavailability&credentialID=3&DiscoveryFilterRegex=VIRTUALMACHINE_NAME=test.*&version=[SSL]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

VMware Horizon View Connection Broker

You can add the VMware Horizon View Connection Broker monitor in the following two ways:

  • Add VMware Horizon View as a new monitor group (New Monitor Group --> VMware Horizon View).This will discover all the components in the Horizon View Set up including View Connection Broker.


    https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=VMwareView&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&pollInterval=[POLL INTERVAL]&version=[VERSION OF CONNECTION SERVER]

    Sample Request



  • Add VMware Horizon View Connection Broker as a new monitor(New Monitor --> VMware Horizon View Connection Broker). This will discover View Connection Broker alone.


    https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=ViewConnectionBroker&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&pollInterval=[POLL INTERVAL]&addtoGroup=[TRUE/FALSE]&groupID=[GROUPID]&version=[VERSION OF CONNECTION SERVER]

    Sample Request


Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be VMwareView or ViewConnectionBroker.
host The name of the host where the VMware Horizon View server is running.
username The user name of your VMware server.
password The password of your VMware server.
version Applicable version of the Horizon Connection Server are 7.x, 7.13, 8.x.

Microsoft Hyper-V Server



Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Hyper-V Server.
host The name of the host where the Hyper-V server is running.
password The password of the Hyper-V server.
addvms Indicates the way how the virtual machines (VMs) of the Hyper-V server are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • no - VMs will not be discovered.
  • onlyavailability - VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored. (Will not count for licensing)
  • yes - VMs will be discovered and monitored.
username The user name of the Hyper-V server.
Version The version of your Microsoft Hyper-V Server. Possible values are 2008, 2012, 2016 or 2019.
Kerberos Option to enable Kerberos authentication. Possible values are either true or false.
discoverInterval Interval for automatically discovering and monitoring virtual machines on the Hyper-V server.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=Hyper-V Server&host=amp-w2k8-64&displayname=apmhyperv&username=admin&password=appman&addvms=yes&Version=2008&Kerberos=true&discoverInterval=15

Citrix Hypervisor (XenServer)


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE] &host=[HOST]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&port=[PORT]&credentialID=[ CREDENTIALID ]&addvms=[ADDVMS]&addToGroup=[TRUE/FALSE]&groupID=[GROUPID]&monitorvms=[AVAILABILITY]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be XenServerHost.
host The name of the host where the XenServerHost is running.
password The password of the XenServerHost
addvms Denotes whether the performance metrics of VMs should be collected. Value is either yes or no
username The user name of the XenServerHost
addToGroup Denotes if the monitor should be added to monitor group. Value is either true or false
groupID The monitor group ID.
monitorvms Indicates the way the virtual machines are to be monitored. Possible values are no, yes and onlyavailability.The value no means the VMs will not be discovered. The value yes indicates that the VMs will be discovered and monitored. The value onlyavailability indicates that the VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored (will not count for licensing).
discoverInterval The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes.

Sample Request

  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee &type=XenServerHost&host=
  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee &type=XenServerHost&host=



https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE] &host=[HOST]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&UserName =[USERNAME]&Password=[PASSWORD]&Version=[VERSION]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

apikey The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab.
type The type of the monitor you want to add. The value should be XenApp.
host The name of the host where the XenApp Server is running.
displayname The display name of the monitor.
UserName The user name of the XenApp server host machine.
password The password of the XenApp server host machine.
version The version of XenApp.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=XenApp&host= =admin&Password=appman&Version=7.6



  • https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]
    &displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&pollInterval=[POLL INTERVAL]&addtoGroup=[ADDTOGROUP]&groupID=[GROUPID]&discoverVM=[DISCOVER VMS]&sslVersion=[SSL VERSION]&DiscoveryFilterRegex=[DiscoveryFilterRegex]
  • https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]
    &displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[VC HOST]&port=[VC PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&pollInterval=[POLL INTERVAL]&discoverVM=[DISCOVER VMS]&sslVersion=[SSL VERSION]&isHostDCViaVC=[on/off]&DiscoveryFilterRegex=[DiscoveryFilterRegex]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common request parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be vCenter.
host The name of the host where vCenter is running.
port The port number where the vCenter is running.
username The user name of the vCenter server.
password The password of the vCenter server.
addtoGroup Denotes if the monitor should be added to monitor group. Value is either true or false
isHostDCViaVC Specifies if data collection should happen using vCenter credentials or not. Value can be on or off. (Optional parameter).
discoverVM Indicates the way how the virtual machines (VMs) of the vCenter are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • 0 - VMs will not be discovered.
  • 1 - VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored. (Will not count for licensing)
  • 2 - VMs will be discovered and monitored.
sslVersion Specify the version of SSL configured for the vCenter. The values can one of the following: SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2. Default value will be TLSv1.2.
DiscoveryFilterRegex (optional) The Discovery Filter Regex based on which the virtual machines are to be discovered and monitored.

Sample Request




https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&sslenabled=[SSL Enabled]&isAllContainerEnabled=[All Container Enabled]&isCertificateEnabled=[Certificate Enabled]&clientCertName=[Client Certificate Name]&keystorePassword=[Client Certificate Password]&AdvancedSettings=[true/false]&DeletedResourceAction=[Unmanage/Delete]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Docker.
host The name of the host where Docker is running.
port The port number where Docker is running.
username The user name of the Docker server.
password The password of the Docker server.
sslenabled Option to enable SSL. Possible values are either true or false.
isAllContainerEnabled Option to discover and monitor all the containers that are available under the Docker server. Possible values are either true or false.
isCertificateEnabled Option to enable Client Certificate Authentication for the Docker server you want to monitor. Possible values are either true or false.
clientCertName Name of the Client Certificate.
keystorePassword Password used for the Client Certificate.
AdvancedSettings Option to enable advanced settings. (true or false)
DeletedResourceAction Option to perform action on deleted Docker resources. (Delete or Unmanage)
DiscoveryFilterRegex The Discovery Filter Regex based on which the containers are to be discovered and monitored.
discoverInterval Interval for automatically discovering and monitoring Docker containers.

Sample Request

Without Certificate:


With Certificate:




http://[Host]:[Port]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=[TYPE] &displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&mode=SSH&sshPKAuth=[true/false]&filterEnabled=[true/false]&filterCondition=[include/exclude]&NamespaceName=[default]&EventLog=[true/false]&prompt=[Prompt]&timeout=[Timeout in Sec]

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of the monitor you want to add. Value should be Kubernetes.
host The name of the host where the Kubernetes cluster is running.
port The port number where Kubernetes is running.
username The user name of the Kubernetes cluster.
password The password of the Kubernetes cluster.
mode The mode through which Kubernetes can be accessed.
sshPKAuth enable Public Key Authentication (Supported for SSH2 only), the SSH Key for SSH authentication.
EventLog Option to enable Event log monitoring. (true or false)
prompt Specify the command prompt value, which is the last character in your command prompt. Default value is $ and possible values are >, #, etc.
timeout The time out value in seconds.
filterEnabled Option to Monitor Specific Namespace(s) in Kubernetes server. (true or false)
filterCondition Filtering condition to monitor specific namespace(s) in Kubernetes server. (include or exclude)
NamespaceName Name of the namespace(s) to be included/excluded, separated by commas.

Sample Request


Red Hat Virtualization (RHV)


http://[ Host ]:[ Port ]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[ API KEY ]&type=[ TYPE ]&displayname=[ DISPLAY NAME ]&host=[ HOST NAME ]&port=[ PORT ]&username=[ USERNAME ]&password=[ PASSWORD ]&pollInterval=[ POLL INTERVAL ]&timeout=[ TIMEOUT ]&discoverVM=[ DISCOVER VM ]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of monitor you want to add. The value should be RHEV.
host The name of the host where the RHV server is running.
port The port number where the RHV server is running.
username The user name of the RHV server.
password The password of the RHV server.
discoverVM Indicates the way how the virtual machines of the RHV server are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • 1 - Discover the virtual machines in Unmanaged state, and monitor only the health and availability of VMs.
  • 2 - Discover the virtual machines in Managed state and monitor all the defined metrics.

Sample Request


Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[ APIKEY ]&type=[ TYPE ]&HostName=[ HOSTNAME ]&displayname=[ DISPLAYNAME ]&mode=[ MODE ]&snmptelnetport=[ PORT ]&username=[ USERNAME ]&password=[ PASSWORD ]&timeout=[ TIMEOUT ]&AddVMS=[ DISCOVERVMs ]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

With Credential Manager

Telnet Mode:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[ APIKEY ]&type=[ TYPE ]&HostName=[ HOSTNAME ]&displayname=[ DISPLAYNAME ]&mode=TELNET&snmptelnetport=[ PORT ]&credentialID=[ CREDENTIALID ]&timeout=[ TIMEOUT ]&AddVMS=[ DISCOVERVMs ]&TelnetCredentialDetails=cmTelnet&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

SSH Mode:

https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[ APIKEY ]&type=[ TYPE ]&HostName=[ HOSTNAME ]&displayname=[ DISPLAYNAME ]&mode=SSH&snmptelnetport=[ PORT ]&credentialID=[ CREDENTIALID ]&timeout=[ TIMEOUT ]&AddVMS=[ DISCOVERVMs ]&SSHCredentialDetails=cmSSH&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.

type The type of monitor you want to add. The value should be KVM.
HostName The name of the host where the KVM server is running.
mode The mode of monitoring for the KVM server. Possible values are SSH and TELNET.
snmptelnetport The port number where the KVM server is running.
username The user name of the KVM server.
password The password of the KVM server.
AddVM Indicates the way how the virtual machines (VMs) of the KVM server are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • 0 - VMs will not be discovered.
  • 1 - VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored. (Will not count for licensing)
  • 2 - VMs will be discovered and monitored.
discoverInterval The time interval for automatically discovering and monitoring child monitors in minutes.

Sample Request:


With Credential Manager

Telnet Mode:


SSH Mode:




https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=OpenShift &displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&mode=SSH&sshPKAuth=[true/false]&prompt=[Prompt]&OSUsername=[OpenShift Username]&OSPassword=[OpenShiftPassword]&timeout=[Timeout in Sec]&apiMode=[true/false]&OSPort=[OS Port]&OSToken=[Service Account Token]&filterEnabled=[true/false]&filterCondition=[include/exclude]&ProjectName=[Project Name]

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common request parameters.

type Type of monitor. Value should be OpenShift.
displayname Display name of the monitor
host Name of the machine at which it is hosted on.
port The port number where OpenShift is running.
username The user name of the host server.
password The password of the host server.
mode Mode of authentication. Value should be SSH.
sshPKAuth Whether SSH2 is enabled. Value should be true or false.
prompt Specify the command prompt value, which is the last character in your command prompt.
OSUsername The user name of the OpenShift server.
OSPassword The password of the OpenShift server.
apiMode Option to collect major metrics of Openshift environment through REST API. Possible values are either true or false.
OSPort Port of the OpenShift server.
OSToken Service account token of the OpenShift server administrator user.
filterEnabled Option to Monitor Specific Project(s) in OpenShift server. (true or false)
filterCondition Filtering condition to monitor specific project(s) in OpenShift server. (include or exclude)
ProjectName Name of the project(s) to be included/excluded, separated by commas.

Sample Request


With Credential ID:


Collecting major metrics through REST API:


Monitoring specific project(s):


Oracle VM (OVM)


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[API KEY]&type=[TYPE]&displayname=[DISPLAY NAME]&host=[HOST NAME]&port=[PORT]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&pollInterval=[POLL INTERVAL]&discoverVM=[DISCOVER VM]&credentialID=[CREDENTIAL ID]&timeout=[TIMEOUT]&discoverInterval=[INTERVAL]

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also refer to the list of common Request Parameters.

type The type of monitor you want to add. The value should be OVM.
host The name of the host where the OVM server is running.
port The port number where the OVM server is running.
username The user name of the OVM server.
password The password of the OVM server.
discoverVM Indicates the way how the virtual machines (VMs) of the OVM server are to be monitored. Possible values are:
  • 0 - VMs will not be discovered.
  • 1 - VMs will be discovered but the metrics will not be monitored. (Will not count for licensing)
  • 2 - VMs will be discovered and monitored.
timeout The server connection timeout value of Oracle VM Manager in seconds.
discoverInterval Interval for automatically discovering and monitoring virtual machines.

Sample Request

  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=OVM&displayname=ovmmanager&host=
  • https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=OVM&displayname=ovmmanager&host=

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop


https://[HOST]:[PORT]/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=[APIKEY]&type=CitrixVirtualAppsAndDesktop &displayname=[DISPLAYNAME]&host=[HOST]&port=[PORT]&authentication=[SQL/Windows]&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]&DBName=[Database Name]&encryption=[true/false]&driverType=[jtdsjdbcdriver/microsoftjdbcdriver]&namedInstance=[true/false]&instance=[Instance Name]

Request Parameters

The parameters involved in the API request are described below. Also, refer the list of common Request Parameters.

apikey The key generated from the Generate API Key option in the 'Admin' tab.
type The type of the monitor you want to add. The value should be CitrixVirtualAppsAndDesktop.
host The name of the host where the MS SQL server for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop is running.
port The port number where the MS SQL server for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop is running.
displayname The display name of the monitor.
username The user name of the user who has permission to access the MS SQL database.
password The password of the user who has permission to access the MS SQL database.
authentication The type of authentication used. (SQL or Windows)
encryption If 'Force Encryption' is enabled in the server, this value will be true. (Possible values: true or false)
driverType The type of driver required for connecting to the database for data collection. (microsoftjdbcdriver or jtdsjdbcdriver)
namedInstance If you want to connect using a Named Instance, set the value as true. (Possible values: true or false)
instance The name of the instance. Applicable only when the value of namedInstance parameter is true.

Sample Request

https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=CitrixVirtualAppsAndDesktop &displayname=CitrixVAD&host=apm-vad&port=1433&authentication=SQL&username=admin&password=appman&DBName=dbname123&encryption=false&driverType=microsoftjdbcdriver&namedInstance=false

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