
    Get CI Type Details

    To read a CI Type's details, use the following url format:

    http://<servername>:<portnumber>/api/cmdb/citype/<CI Type>

    Assuming you are fetching a CI Type's details available in the local server with port number 8080, the URL should be given as::




    1. Input is an XML string sent as "POST attribute" with key "INPUT_DATA".

    2. The operation name "read"  should be sent as a "POST attribute" with key "OPERATION_NAME".

    3. The technician key should be sent as a "POST attribute" with key "TECHNICIAN_KEY".




      • CI Type - Mandatory. CI Type name. (Can be case insensitive).

      • Parameter Result Format - Optional. specifies the return format ( XML or JSON )

    If no result format specified then API will return output in JSON format.


    Sample XML Output:


    Note: Please note that the Input and Output XML formats have been changed.                 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <API version="1.0">
            <operation name="read">
                    <message>Successfully fetched.</message>
                    <created-date>Aug 16, 2016 03:36 PM</created-date>
                        <name type="String">Attribute Name</name>
                        <name type="String">Data Type</name>
                        <name type="String">Description</name>
                    <field-values totalRecords="10">
                            <value>Incident restoration target</value>
                            <value>Service Support Hours</value>
                            <value>Hours spent for service.</value>
                            <value>Owned By</value>
                            <value>Technician who owns this service</value>
                            <value>Business Impact</value>
                            <value>Availability Target(%)</value>
                            <value>Availability target in percentage.</value>
                            <value>CI Name</value>



    Sample JSON Output:



    	"API": {
    		"response": {
    			"operation": {
    				"result": {
    					"message": "Successfully fetched.",
    					"created-date": "Aug 16, 2016 03:35 PM",
    					"status": "Success",
    					"statuscode": "200"
    				"Details": {
    					"field-names": {
    						"name": [{
    							"content": "Attribute Name",
    							"type": "String"
    							"content": "Data Type",
    							"type": "String"
    							"content": "Description",
    							"type": "String"
    					"field-values": {
    						"record": [{
    							"value": ["Cost",
    							"value": ["Incident restoration target",
    							"value": ["Service Support Hours",
    							"Hours spent for service."]
    							"value": ["Owned By",
    							"Technician who owns this service"]
    							"value": ["Business Impact",
    							"value": ["Availability Target(%)",
    							"Availability target in percentage."]
    							"value": ["CI Name",
    							"value": ["Site",
    							"value": ["Description",
    						"totalRecords": "10"
    				"name": "read"
    		"version": "1.0"




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