Mailbox Traffic Reports

This category provides reports on the traffic flow from and to mailboxes. The reports in this category are based on Message Tracking Logs Gathering Task.


  • The reports can be viewed at summary or daily or hourly granular levels. Hourly granular level can be selected only when the time period selected is less than 2 days and the time period should be within the previous 35 days.

  • If the report is at daily granular level, you can view the hourly report for a date by clicking on the date displayed in the report.


The list of Mailbox Traffic Reports category are:

Number of Messages By Sender Report:

This report provides complete information for message traffic between the exchange servers in an organization.

To view Number of Messages by Sender Report:

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Number of Messages By Sender

  2. Select the period.

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

Depending on the time period selected the graph displayed in the report changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Size of Messages by Sender Report:


This report provide complete information on the Size of Messages that was sent from mailboxes (by users).


To view Size of Messages by Sender Report

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Size of Messages By Sender

  2. Select the period.

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

Depending on the time period selected the graph displayed in the report changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Number of Messages by Receiver Report:


This report provide the complete information on the Number of Messages that was received in mailboxes (by users).

To view Number of Messages by Receivers Report

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Number of Messages By Receiver

  2. Select the period.

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

Depending on the time period selected the graph displayed in the report changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Size of Messages by Receiver Report:


This report provide information on Message Size that was received in mailboxes (by users) in a selected Exchange Organization.

To view Size of Messages by Receivers Report

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Size of Messages By Receiver

  2. Select the period.

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

Depending on the time period selected the graph displayed in the report changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Sent Traffic for Users Report:


This report provides detailed information on the email messages sent by a user or a group of users by listing the message size, subject, ID and date for each email message that was sent.

To view Sent Traffic for Users Report

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Sent Traffic for Users

  2. Select a single user or a group of Exchange users.

  3. Select the period.

  4. Select the domain (Internal or External).

Received Traffic for Users Report:


This report shows the email messages that an Exchange user or a group of users received within a specific time period with details of message size, subject, ID and date for every individual email that was received.

To view Received Traffic for Users report

  1. Click on Reports -->> Mailbox Traffic -->> Received Traffic for Users

  2. Select a single user or a group of Exchange users.

  3. Select the period.

  4. Select the domain (Internal or External).

Email Response Time

This report lists out the response time for all email messages in an Exchange mailbox in a specified time period.

To view Email Response Time report:


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