Organization Traffic Reports

This category provides reports on organization traffic. The summary and also details of the number of messages and Size of messages that are sent and received.

The reports under this category depend on "Message Tracking Logs Gathering Task".


  • The reports can be viewed at summary or daily or hourly granular levels. Hourly granular level can be selected only when the time period selected is less than 2 days.

  • If the report is at daily granular level, you can view the hourly report for a date by clicking on the date displayed in the report.


The list of Organization Traffic Reports are:

Organization Traffic Summary Report:

This report provides the complete summary of message traffic in an Exchange Organization. Statistics on the total number of messages sent and received, and the total Size of messages sent and received is shown.

To view Organization Traffic Summary Report:

  1. Click on "Reports" -->> "Organization Traffic"-->>"Organization Traffic Summary"

  2. Select the Period

This provides 4 different tables and 2 Pie charts that provide the summary of Organization Traffic.

Table 1 provides the min,max and average of the number of messages sent and received.

Table 2 provides the min,max and average of the size of messages sent and received.

The min, max and average will be calculated per day if the period selected is more than 2 days. If the time period is <= 2 days then the min, max and average will be calculated per hour.


Table 3 provides traffic summary of sent mails

Table 4  provides traffic summary of received mails

Pie Chart 1 provides snapshot of Total Number of Messages Sent and Total Number of messages received.

Pie Chart 2 provides snapshot of Total Size of Messages Sent and Total Size of messages received.


Sent Traffic By Messages Report:

This report provides the minimum, maximum and average Number of Messages sent internally and number of messages sent to an external recipient.

To view Sent Traffic By Messages Report:

  1. Click on "Reports" -->> "Organization Traffic"-->>"Sent Traffic By Messages"

  2. Select the Period

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

  4. Click on Go

Depending on the time period selected,  the type of graph displayed changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Sent Traffic By Size Report:

This report provides the minimum, maximum and average Size of Messages sent internally and Size of messages sent to external recipients.

To view Sent Traffic By Size Report:

  1. Click on "Reports" -->> "Organization Traffic"-->>"Sent Traffic By Size"

  2. Select the Period

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

  4. Click on Go

Depending on the time period selected,  the type of graph displayed changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Received Traffic By Messages Report:

This report provides the minimum, maximum and average Number of Messages received from internal and external sources.

To view Received Traffic By Messages Report:

  1. Click on "Reports" -->> "Organization Traffic"-->>"Received Traffic By Messages"

  2. Select the Period

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

  4. Click on Go

Depending on the time period selected, the type of graph displayed changes. We have two different types of graphs:

Received Traffic By Size Report:

This report provides the minimum, maximum and average size of Messages received from internal and external sources.

To view Size Traffic By Messages Report:

  1. Click on "Reports" -->> "Organization Traffic"-->>"Received Traffic By Size"

  2. Select the Period.

  3. Select the Granularity (Summary, Daily or Hourly)

  4. Click on Go.

Depending on the time period selected, the type of graph displayed changes. We have two different types of graphs:

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