How to create an Access Control List (ACL) in NetFlow Analyzer?
Access Control Lists are a collection of permit and deny conditions created for controlling unwanted traffic. ACLs can be either created as standard ACLs or extended ACLs. Standard ACLs are numbered from 1–99 and above 99 for extended ACLs. It is possible to block certain traffic and prioritize your critical applications with the help of ACL in NetFlow Analyzer.

- Navigate to Inventory > Device > Device Snapshot
- Click on menu icon (green square on top right) and click on "ACL"
- Click on "Add ACL" to create new ACL policy
- Select the ACL type as Standard or Extended
- Enter the ACL number based on selected type
- Select ACL access as Permit or Deny
- Select the Protocol for ACL policy
- Provide source criteria and destination criteria for extended ACL
- Enter the wildcard details for extended ACL
- Click "Add"
Note: You need to enable NCM add-on to configure ACL & service policies.