Change Workflow related FAQs




    1. Who can change the Change Stage at any point of time?

    If the logged-in technician is the assigned CM (Change Manager) or CO (Change Owner) of the given change, then he/she can edit the RFC (Request for Change) Form Fields including Stage/Status at any given time. However remember that a SDChangeManager too has rights to edit stage/status of change and can do so incase a Change Manager/Change Owner has not been exclusively assigned for the given change.


    2. Who can edit Change Roles at any given time? 

    If logged-in technician is the assigned CM (Change Manager) or CO (Change Owner) of the given change, then he/she can edit (or reassign) roles at any stage. However remember that a SDChangeManager too can edit the change roles at any given stage and can do so incase a Change Manager/Change Owner has not been exclusively assigned for the change.


    3. Who can approve the change in the Change Approval stage?

    Technician should possess the Change Manager or Change Approver role for the given change in order to approve it in the approval stage. Non technicians (users) too can be assigned with the Change Approver role.

    4. What is the scope of SDChangeManager?

    SDChangeManager is the one with absolute control over the entire change module. A role designated to supervise the entire change module, SDChangeManger can also operate on all changes (or) can choose to work only on Changes that do not have exclusive Change Manager/Change Owner.


    5. What about users with System Role: edit permissions? What rights will they have?

    • Users with SDAdmin Role (or) Users with Change Module Edit Permissions can edit RFC (Request for Change) form fields. (note: this editing will not be possible once change moves away from the Submission Stage)

    • They will be allowed to edit the fields of the stage the change is currently in and will also have the rights to move change from one status to another.

    These users will not have the rights to move change from one stage to another.


    6. Regarding Change List/Calendar view

    In Change List view /Calendar View:

    • Closed Changes and My Closed Changes views will list only the Close-Completed changes alone. Close-Cancelled changes will be listed under All Changes view.

    • My XXX Views e.g 'My Open Changes' will list out only the Changes in which the user has been assigned with a role to play e.g CAB in those 'Changes'

      Approved changes will list changes only those changes that have undergone Approval - Approved status.


    7. Regarding Change related Reports:

    Completed Changes report will list only the close-completed changes alone.


    8. When is the completed time of change logged?

    Completed Time is logged in two cases: close-completed and close-canceled.


    9. What if user is not associated to the site, but he/she plays role in the change?

    Site restricted technicians can view their assigned changes even though they are not asociated to the site.( Due to the SystemRole: Technicians allowed to view Assigned to him (OR) All in associated sites options)


    10. How can I change the status of a change?

    Following menus can be used to change the status of a change:

    • a. Status drop down menu - status(es) associated with a given change stage will be listed here from which the technicians can choose desired status

    • b. Status Actions drop down menu- action name of all status(es) in a given change stage will be shown. If action name is not assigned to a status, then status name will be displayed. 

      Action Name of a status denotes the action technicians can perform using a given status. For example: Status Accepted is denoted using the Action Name Accept using which technicians can move the change from one stage to another.


    11. What are the operations work based on other module's permission?

    Following operations are allowed without stage scope restriction but module based scope permissions i.e Edit Requests, Edit Problem.

    • a. Associate Incidents

    • b. Associate Problems. 


    12. When worklog can be added?

    Worklog can be added at any point of time irrespective of whatever stage the Change is in, but the concerned technician should have Edit Change or Edit Implementation Stage permissions..


    13.On what basis is the user list generated while users are being assigned with change roles?

    User listing happens as per Site Configurations:

    • a. Change role defined as Technician only, will list users based on the site of a change.

    • b. Change role defined as ALL , will list all users based on the sites associated to loggedin tech


    14. How does the pre approval change mechanism work?

    Pre approved logic:

    • Pre approved changes skip the approval process alone i.e if the change workflow is defined to go through the approval stage, it will be bypassed automatically.


    15. What are the points to be noted for Non Login View?

    • a. All data will be in viewable mode only except Notes, Notification, Status Action and Close stage. ( availability of these options depends on the user's scope in a given change )

    • b. Task/Worklog section will not be shown under Implementation tab.


    16. How can I configure workflow for my custom status?

    A custom status which has 'Action Name' defined will be listed in change workflow configuration section where user can configure workflow for the custom status.


    17. Editing Site field and Selecting Change Owner?

    After editing site field from Submission tab, a page refresh is required to list site based technicians.( under Change Roles section )


    18.When new Change ticket is created, change manager doesn't receive an email about the new request.

    Do the following to solve this:

    • Configure status such that Requested status (Submission==>Requested) notifies Change Manager about the request ( To configure status, go to Admin==>Problem/ChangeManagement==>Stage/Status wizard )

    • While creating a change ticket, configure Change Manager role and submit the ticket. ( other wise choose default change managers here: Admin==>Helpdesk==>Category : click edit button and choose change managers for respective categories)


    19. How to create a change with the Status to go straight to Planning in Progress 

    Preconfigure the change template such that the change begins with Planning/Planning in Progress as the intial stage/status (To preconfigure change template, go to Admin==>Problem/ChangeManagment==>Change Template )


    20. How can I by pass the CAB section? In other words, how can I set the ticket as pre-approved once created?

    Preapproved changes will by pass the CAB section.

    • The change type needs to be configured as pre-approved ( Admin==>Problem/ChangeManagment==>Change Types and check Pre Approved checkbox while configuring the Change Type).

    • For e.g By default the Standard Change Type is set as Preapproved change. Therefore when a change is created with change type as Standard then this change ticket will be a preapproved one and won't have a CAB section at all.




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