Changing Web Server Port

In Windows


Follow the steps given below to change the web server port where the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server will be running:

  1. Go to <ServiceDesk>\bin directory.

  2. Execute the file changeWebServerPort.bat at command prompt as shown below:

    changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> <http or https>

    The web server port will be reset to the new port number that you have specified.

    https - To start the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server in https mode.

    http  - To start the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server in http mode. By default,  executing the file as changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> will start the server in http mode.

  3. If the port number is occupied, you will be prompted to enter a different port number. If you do not wish to enter a different port number then press N on your keyboard to exit the application. Else press Y and enter a different port number that is unoccupied.

This change will be effected only when you restart the server. To connect to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server after restarting, the new port number must be used.


In Linux


Follow the steps given below to change the web server port where the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server will be running:

  1. Go to <ServiceDesk>/bin directory.

  2. Execute the file at command prompt as shown below:

    $ sh <new port number> <http or https>

    The web server port will be reset to the new port number that you have specified.

    https - To start the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server in https mode.

    http  - To start the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server in http mode. By default,  executing the file as changeWebServerPort.bat <new port number> will start the server in http mode.

  3. If the port number is occupied, you will be prompted to enter a different port number. If you do not wish to enter a different port number then press N on your keyboard to exit the application. Else press Y and enter a different port number that is unoccupied.

This change will be effected only when you restart the server. To connect to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP server after restarting, the new port number must be used.

ServiceDesk Plus - MSP - Help Desk and Asset Management Software

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