Associating Service Requests with Purchase Order


    Purchase Order-Service Request association offers authority dealing with the organization's purchases a clear picture of the service request in demand by providing them with vital information like the priority, urgency, impact etc., of the service request based on which the purchase order cycle (that usually involves quote enquiry, bidding negotiations, finalizing a vendor, delivery of goods etc.,) can be formulated and executed as per the requester's needs.This association ensures service requests do not go into an indefinite 'onhold status' by keeping requesters/technicians and the purchase department well-informed about the progress of purchase orders and service requests accordingly.



    Associating Purchase Order with Service Requests

    To associate purchase order to service request,

      1. Click the Purchase tab in the header pane. This opens the purchase order list view page.

      2. Select the Purchase Order to be associated with service requests by clicking on the respective purchase order number (or) purchase order name

      3. From the Actions dropdown (available at the right extreme of PO details section) select Associate Request option

      4. Associate Service Requests popup box will open listing all the available service requests

    1. Select the service request to be associated with the purchase order

    2. Click Associate Request button


    View Service Requests Associated with Purchase Order

    To view details of service requests associated with a purchase order,

      1. Click the Purchase tab in the header pane. This opens the purchase order list view page.

      2. Select the Purchase Order by clicking on the respective purchase order number (or) purchase order name

      3. In the purchase details page, click on Requests tab

      4. Service Requests associated with the Purchase Order will be displayed under this section

      5. Click the subject of the request that you want to view

      6. Request details will be displayed in a pop-up window in print preview mode

    Detaching Service Requests from Purchase Order

    To detach service requests associated with the purchase order, do the following:

    1. Click Purchase tab in the header pane. This opens the purchase order list view page.

    2. Select Purchase Order >> Click Requests tab

    3. Select service request to be detached from the purchase order

    4. Click Detach Request button

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