Add/Associate Change to Requests


    You have an option to add, associate, view and detach change to requests. Similar change occurred to Incidents ( requests ) can be associated in order to track the change occurred for the same request. You can also add new change or detach the existing change to a request. While adding/associating/detaching a change the approval status of the request does not change.



    Associate Change to Requests

    You can also associate the existing change to the request. To associate change,

    1. Log in to the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP application using your user name and password.

    2. Click the Request tab in the header pane. This opens the request list view page.

    3. Click the Subject link of the request for which you want to add a change. This opens the request details page.

    4. Click the Actions combo box on the top right side of the page. Click Search Changes option. This opens Associate Change to Incident page as shown below,

    5. Select the type of change to be displayed by selecting from the Filter Showing combo box on the top left hand side of the page. Ex: Open Change or All Change and so on. On selecting the change type the corresponding changes gets listed.

    6. Select any one change to be associated with the request by enabling the radio button beside the title of the change.

    7. Click Associate buttonto associate respective change to the request (particular selected request). You can associate the same change to different requests.

      Once the problem is associated to the request, the View Change and Detach from Change option appears under Actions combo box.


    Add Change to requests

    You can add new change to requests. To add new change,

    1. From the request list view page, click on the subject link of the request you wish to add change. This opens the request details page.

    2. Click New Change button on the right hand side of the description field. This opens the New Change form. (OR)

      Alternatively, you add a new change from the Associate Change to Incident pop up page. Click New Change button below the filter showing combo box.  

    3. The details such as Status, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Category, Sub category, Item along with Subject and Description remains the same as of the request. If required, you can modify the same on selecting from the combo box.

    4. Select the Reported By requester from the list by clicking on the Requester iconuserslookup.This opens the requester list page and click the requester title.

    5. Select the Technician from the combo box.

    6. Select the Schedule Start Time and the Schedule End Time from thecalender button.

    7. Select the affected IT Services from the list by clicking on the icondropdown_list.This opens the Services Affected pop up box. Select the affected IT services and Save the changes.

    8. Select the Assets Involved with the problem by clicking the icondropdown_list.This opens the Select Assets page. Select the Type of Assets or the category of assets to be involved from the combo box. Ex: Workstations, Routers, Switches and so on. Select the Available Assets under the selected type from the list and move to Assets involved using >> button. And Save the changes.  

    9. If you have any file attachments for the problem click the Attach File button and attach files.
      Maximum size of an attachment can be 10MB.

    10.  Click Save. A new change gets added in the change list view page.


    View Associated Change 

    You have an option to view the newly added change or the change associated to the request.

    To view the change,

    1. From the request list view page, click on the request for which you wish to view the change. This opens the request details page.

    2. Click View Change button on the right hand side of the request description. (OR)

      Click Actions combo box -> View Change option. This displays the Problems Details page of the change added/associated to the request.


    Detach Request  from change

    If you want to add another change to the request then the existing change has to be detached.

    To detach a change,

    1. From the request list view page, click the request you wish to detach the change. This open the request details page.

    2. Click Actions combo box -> Detach from Change option. The request is detached from the change.



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