Monitoring Configuration
This document takes you through the steps to,
Steps to create a monitoring profile
- Go to the Settings tab of M365 Security Plus.
- Choose Configuration → Monitoring Configuration → Monitoring Profiles from the left pane.
- Click on Add New Profile.
- Enter a Profile Name, and choose the Microsoft 365 Service and Category for which the profile is being created.
- Select the Cmsponents to Monitor using the + button.
- Write the Alert Message to be sent when an incident/advisory is detected.
- Using the Advanced Configuration option, configure the email notification and endpoint settings for this monitoring profile.
- Under the Notification tab,
- Select the Email alerts corresponding to this profile checkbox.
- Select the notification template to be used.
- Using the Notify On drop-down, select the event for which an email notification must be sent.
- Using the Notify drop-down, select when the email notification must be sent.
- Select the Include Event Details check box to include a details on the event that triggers the notification.
- Click on Save.
- Under the Endpoint Settings tab,
- In the Health Criteria section configure the endpoint response time based on which incident, or advisory is determined.
- In the Polling Frequency section configure the number of times polling should be retried when the endpoint availability changes from up to down and vice-versa.
- In the Polling Timeout section configure how long the tool should wait to timeout a polling.
- Click on Save.
Steps to disable a monitoring profile
Steps to edit a monitoring profile
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Choose Configuration → Monitoring Configuration → Monitoring Profiles from the left pane.
- Click on the option under the Actions column.
- Modify the attributes you need to change.
- Click on Save.
Steps to delete a monitoring profile
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Choose Configuration → Monitoring Configuration → Monitoring Profiles from the left pane.
- Click on the option under the Actions column.
- Click on Yes in the pop-up.