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File SHA256 value
Enterprise edition (.bin) Central -  5b0f1703add9e8257b3a3ca5e03260736e1aecd514584db7147c0a14d974edc1
Probe -  f66f7e7d9ac114ee1207e5cdf59cebb788f1ca266d395d2650b64afe31a41920

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SHA256 (64bit):
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Click here to go through the APM Plugin installation guide.

Note: APM Plugin can be installed only if you have already installed OpManager. If you're using an older version of OpManager, you may need to download a compatible version of APM Plugin. Please refer this page to find the right version.

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Standard/ Professional EditionEnterprise EditionMSP Edition
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Mirror Downloads

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    SHA256 (64bit):
    Click to copy SHA256 value
  • Probe Download
    SHA256 (64bit):
    Click to copy SHA256 value

Mirror Downloads

  • Central Download
    SHA256 (64bit):
    Click to copy SHA256 value
  • Probe Download
    SHA256 (64bit):
    Click to copy SHA256 value
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OpManager Supports: English, Japanese, German, French, Chinese simplified and traditional, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Russian, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Swedish, and Turkish languages.

If you have any questions about OpManager, feel free to raise a support request and we'll get back to you.

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