Understand form event

Understand form event in workflows

To set a workflow to start rolling out, you need to specify on cue of which record event it needs to be triggered. Options are when a record is created, when a record is edited, when a record is created or edited, or when a record in deleted. Then you need to specify the form event for which the action is required. This enables you to understand the set of actions that you could configure for the selected form event. Not all actions are applicable to all form events. Certain actions can only be performed on select form events. For instance you need to create a workflow to update a field in the record. It is implicit that this action can be performed when the record is edited and the relevant form events for that record event is selected. This process of narrowing down to the most relevant actions that you require is being handled by the application.

The following are the form events:

  • Field Rules (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • Load of a form (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • User input of a field (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • Addition of a row (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • Deletion of a row (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • On update of a field (Applicable for Edited record event)
  • After successful form submission (Applicable for the following record events: Created, Edited, and Created or Edited)
  • Validation on submission (Applicable for the following record events:Created, Edited, Created or Edited)
  • Successful record deletion (Applicable for Deleted record event)
  • Validations on deletion (Applicable for Deleted record event)

Addition of a row and Deletion of a row form events cater only to forms with Subform field.

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