Understand record event

Understand record event in form workflow

When you create a workflow to be trigged while using a form, you need to specify the event of record at which the workflow has to run. There are four events that occur in a record when a workflow can be run. They are:

  • When a record in created: The workflow is triggered at the event of creating a record
  • When a record is edited: The workflow is triggered at the event of editing a record
  • When a record is created or edited: The workflow is triggered at the event of creating or editing a record
  • When a record is deleted: The workflow is triggered at the event of deleting a record

Your choice of record event will have a direct effect on the form events that you could select from. The form events are displayed based on the type of record event that you select. Certain types of form events are made available for certain record events only. This preserves the logic of the workflow by narrowing down to form events and associated actions that will cater to the selected record event. 

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