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How to run M365 Manager Plus as a Windows service

Running an application as a Windows service allows the app to run even before the user logs in to the PC. This is important for applications that provide security information like M365 Manager Plus.

In addition to being an 24x7 Microsoft 365 auditing and monitoring application, it also helps to manage, report on, and secure your Microsoft 365 setup effortlessly.

Steps to run M365 Manager Plus as a Windows Service from start menu

After installing M365 Manager Plus,

  1. Navigate to Start menu -> M365 Manager Plus -> Install M365 Manager Plus as Service.

Steps to run M365 Manager Plus as a service using Command Prompt

After installing M365 Manager Plus,

  1. Navigate to the <M365 Manager Plus installation directory> /bin folder.
  2. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.
  3. Run InstallM365AsService.bat.

Recommendation: By default, the Windows services are run with the Local System privileges. It is recommended to elevate the permissions of M365 Manager Plus service for seamless functioning. (Run services.msc > select ManageEngine M365 Manager Plus > Under the Log On tab provide the domain admin credentials).


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