Steps to import SSL certificate to Browser Security Plus.

Browser Security Plus supports using SSL and PFX certificates. Adding these certificates to Browser Security Plus will secure the communication between the Browser Security Plus server, and the managed computers. Follow the below steps to import the third-party certificate to Browser Security Plus:

  1. Click Admin tab
  2. Click Manage SSL Certificates under Security and Privacy
  3. Browse to upload the certificate that you have received from the vendor (CA). The certificate will be .crt format for SSL and in .pfx format for PFX certificates
    1. If you upload a .crt file, then you will be prompted to upload the server.key file. After uploading the sever.key, you will be prompted to upload the intermediate certificate. If you choose Automatic, then the intermediate certificate will be detected automatically. However when the intermediate certificate is detected automatically , only one certificate will be detected. If you wanted to use your own intermediate certificate, or upload more than one intermediate certificate, then you need to choose Manual, and upload them manually.
    2. If you choose to upload a .pfx file, then you will be prompted to enter the password provided by the vendor.
  4. Click Save to import the certificate.
  5. You have successfully imported the third party certificates to Browser Security Plus server. These certificates will be used only when "HTTPS" mode is enabled for communication. Click Admin tab and choose Server Settings, to enable Https mode under General Settings. You can now see that the communication between the Browser Security Plus Server and the agents is secure.