Contacts Backup

Backup and restoration of all Active Directory objects. Restore entire objects or just specific attributes.

Active Directory Contacts Backup and Recovery

Active Directory contacts consist of information such as the phone numbers, email addresses, and pager numbers of people or businesses with whom the organization communicates. AD contacts can be added to distribution groups to facilitate communication between the organization and those people or businesses. However, AD contacts can also be accidentally deleted while managing the AD environment. This accidental deletion removes the contact from all distribution groups and brings communication to a grinding halt.

When this occurs, restoration becomes the top priority. A recovery operation to restore the deleted contacts and their group memberships is vital. RecoveryManager Plus is a web-based AD recovery tool that lets you backup and restore contacts. The plethora of features and easy-to-use, uncluttered user interface make it a complete backup and recovery solution. The other tedious activity is management and reporting on AD contacts. With ADManager Plus, you can create, modify, move, and delete AD contacts; manage their group membership; and more with just point and click actions.

Highlights of RecoveryManager Plus

The following features make RecoveryManager Plus the perfect tool when it comes to backup and restoration of AD contacts.

  • Restore deleted contacts: Restore deleted contacts to their last known state, or to any of their previous versions, when they are unintentionally deleted. Get a preview of the value that you are about to restore before initiating a restoration to prevent restoring unwanted attribute values.
  • Attribute-level restoration: Restore all attributes or specific attributes of modified contacts. Each change made to a contact is stored as an incremental backup, making it possible to restore individual attributes.
  • Contact group membership restoration: Restore modifications made to your contacts' distribution group membership. When deleted contacts are restored, their group memberships are also restored, thereby enabling communication to resume immediately after restoration.
  • Linked attributes recovery: Restore linked attributes of contacts such as the distribution groups the contact was a member of and the list of direct reports or manager of the contact.
  • Restore security permissions: Security permissions and authorizations assigned to contacts can be restored in a few seconds to undo any modifications.
  • Roll back contact objects: Roll back contacts to a previous point in time and undo all modifications made to them after that time. For each change made on a contact, a rollback point is created. You can roll back contacts to any of the available rollback points.
  • Change management: All changes made to a contact are stored as differential backups. This allows you to reverse any particular attribute change you deem unnecessary.
  • Version management and comparison: Each change made to a contact object is stored as a different version in the backup. During restoration, RecoveryManager Plus lets you compare each version and select the version you want to restore.
  • Restart free recovery: When using RecoveryManager Plus, you do not have to restart your domain controllers when you recover deleted contacts from Windows 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, or 2012 R2 servers. This ensures continuous availability of all domain controllers across the domain.

Keep all your contacts backed up so you don't lose contact with them.

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