Reverse Proxy

A reverse proxy is a proxy service that handles requests from clients, forwards them to the necessary servers, and subsequently delivers the servers’ responses to the clients without revealing the identity of the servers. AD360 comes bundled with a reverse proxy server to prevent hackers from finding out, accessing, and exploiting the critical data that it holds.

AD360 lets you enable context-based reverse proxy, port-based reverse proxy, or both. 

In context-based reverse proxy, the URL of AD360 server and the servers in which its components are installed should be given a unique context path. Whenever a user request access, it's forwarded to the respective servers based on the context path in the URL. The end user will not get to know the details of the servers from which he's accessing the resources.

If you want to enable the port-based reverse proxy, you need to choose a unique port number and protocol for AD360 and its component servers. In this case, a unique port number for the servers is mandatory whereas specifying the unique protocol is optional. The hostname remains the same for all the servers. In such cases, the reverse proxy server will forward the user request to the appropriate server based on the port number in the URL and the protocol.

Note: The hostname of the AD360 server will serve as the hostname for the components' servers when reverse proxy is enabled.

Enabling reverse proxy

Configuring context-based reverse proxy

  • Log into AD360 console as an administrator.
  • Navigate to Admin → Administration → Reverse Proxy.
  • Click the Context Based tab, and select the Enable Context Based Reverse Proxy check box.
  • In the Protocol & Port drop-down fields, select the required protocol and port number. Make sure the port number is not used by other applications.
  • Now, for AD360 and each of the integrated components, enter a context path under the Context column. The context path must be unique to each component.
  • Note down the Access URLs for AD360 and its components. External users can use these URLs to access the necessary products.
  • Click Save Settings.

Configuring port-based reverse proxy

  • Log into AD360 console as an administrator.
  • Navigate to Admin → Administration → Reverse Proxy.
  • Click the Port-Based tab, and select the Enable Port Based Reverse Proxy check box.
  • In the Protocol column, select a protocol for AD360 and its components.
  • In the Port column, enter a port number for AD360 and its components. The port number must be unique to each server.
  • Note down the Access URLs for AD360 and its components. External users can use these URLs to access the necessary products.
  • Click Save Settings.

Disabling reverse proxy

You can disable reverse proxy for certain components if you want to. Under the Actions column, click the green tick icon to disable reverse proxy.