Mail sending failed


You are trying to send an enrollment mail to enroll a mobile device and you see the error message "Mail sending failed".


You will get this message due to one of the following reasons:

  1. When there is a problem with enabling/disabling authentication while configuring Mail Server settings.
  2. If the Email ID specified during Mail Server configuration has been restricted from sending mails by SMTP Admin.
  3. Less secure apps are restricted when you use Google Mail Account for mail server configuration.


Verify if the SMTP Administrator does not restrict the configuration of 'Authentication' in mail server settings on your MDM server. Also, check if the SMTP administrator has chosen to restrict sending of mails using specific Email addresses. In such cases, you should contact the SMTP administrator and configure the settings properly.
Also, ensure that you provide access for less secure Apps while configuring mail server settings using a Google mail account. Enabling access for less secure apps can be done from here

Applies to: Mail Sending Failed, Enrollment, Mobile Device Management

Keywords: Enrollment, Manage Mobile Devices, Enroll Mobile Devices, MDM.