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Group Policy allows you to the define configuration settings of user and computer accounts in an Active Directory (AD) environment. The gpresult command displays all policy settings for a specific user or computer in the domain. This command applies to Windows Server versions 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, and 2012.

How to run the gpresult command

  • Open the command line window.
  • Type gpresult followed by the required parameter to get the desired output.

Supported parameters

gpresult /r: This is the most commonly used command. It retrieves the summary of policies applied to your computer and user account.

gpresult /s <computer name>: This command displays the settings and Group Policy information on a remote computer or server.

gpresult /scope {user | computer}: This command allows you to view the settings applied to a specific computer or user.

gpresult /v: This command displays the verbose information in the system.

gpresult /h <filename>: This command displays the output in HTML format.

gpresult /z: This command displays all available information about Group Policy.

gpresult /?: This command displays help information at the command prompt.

How ManageEngine ADManager Plus can help

ADManager Plus is an integrated AD management and reporting solution with GPO management and reporting capabilities. You can simplify GPO management by configuring GPOs in bulk and monitor compliance with access to an audit trail of all GPO changes via reports.

Here are some of the supported GPO capabilities in ADManager Plus. You can:

  • Edit GPOs.
  • Enable, disable, or delete GPOs.
  • Enable, disable, or remove GPO links.
  • Modify enforcement options for GPO links.
  • Block or unblock inheritance of GPO links.
  • Identify recently modified GPOs and linked AD objects.
  • Track GPO information through reports to check if a particular OU, domain, or site is compliant with policies.

Try ADManager Plus Now


anageEngine User Academy

Manage AD better with ADManager Plus

  • Bulk user management for Active Directory, Exchange, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Skype for business, etc. Learn more.
  • HR driven user provisioning with Zoho People, UKG Pro, and BambooHR etc. Learn more.
  • Automation for repetitive tasks such as user provisioning and AD cleanup. Learn more.
  • Approval-based workflow to streamline and scrutinize the creation and management of user accounts. Learn more.
  • Role-based and OU-specific delegation of user management tasks to help desk technicians. Learn more.

ADManager Plus Trusted By

The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting