Server Settings

AMServer Properties file

By editing AMServer.Properties file and AvailabilityTests.conf file (available under <Applications Manager Home>/conf/ directory), you can change the default server settings used in ManageEngine Applications Manager.

Key Description
am.webserver.port This is the web server port used by Applications Manager to connect to the browser.
am.ssl.port Keys to enable SSL (https) and this will be enabled by default.
am.dbserver.type Backend database type. Possible values : pgsql, mysql, mssql. If key not present, it will use mysql backend.
am.db.port / am.mysql.port Port used by the database. am.mysql.port was used before 11
am.tomcat.shutdown.port Tomcat ports for Applications Manager. If any of these ports is occupied when Applications Manager starts, it will be changed automatically. In builds before 11, am.tomcat.shutdown.port will not change automatically even if it is occupied and it has to be changed manually
am.traplistener.port Port in which Applications Manager will listen and receive traps from other device
am.createSupportZipFile Key for zipping of support file. Not used by Applications Manager. Only used by IT360
am.dbport.check While starting up, Applications Manager will check if the DB port mentioned in am.db.port / am.mysql.port is already occupied. If the ports are occupied, it will automatically change am.db.port / am.mysql.port to next unoccupied port and start DB server in that port. This will be done for mysql and pgsql backend. By default these key(s) are true. If customer is using his own pgsql / mysql, these key(s) needs to be set to false. am.mysqlport.check was used before 11
am.webserverport.check While starting up, Applications Manager will check if the web server port mentioned in am.webserver.port is already occupied. If the ports are occupied, it will alert user and shutdown Applications Manager.
am.sockettest.timeout Socket test timeout value (in seconds) used by various monitors like MySQL, MsSQL, DB2, JBoss, Oracle, Service monitor etc. This value can be also changed using the Availability Check: Timeout value option under Settings tab > Availability Settings. By default, actual timeout value is 60 seconds.
  • Actual timeout value to be configured for the monitor should be four times the value specified for the key. For example, if the timeout value specified for the key is 30, then the actual timeout value configured for the monitor would be 120 seconds (30 x 4 = 120).
  • For Enterprise Edition setup, you can use this key to specify the timeout value for the Admin server to connect to the Managed servers. Learn how
am.server.language These keys determine the language and country of Applications Manager. Default values of language / country keys are am.server.language=en and Possible values of language / country keys are : English ( en / US ), Chinese ( zh / CN ), German ( de / DE ), Spanish ( es / ES ), French ( fr / FR ), Hungarian ( hu / HU ), Japanese ( ja / jp ), Korean ( ko / KR ), Taiwanese ( zh / TW ), Vietnamese ( vi / VN )
am.server.type Key to see if its Professional edition / Enterprise Edition. Possible values are : NORM, AAM, MAS
am.edition.type For Enterprise Edition managed server this will have the host name of admin server
am.adminserver.port For Enterprise Edition managed server this will have the SSL port of admin server
am.server.startresidrange The resourceid range for this Applications Manager. For Enterprise Edition this will be in range according to serverid.
am.ntlm.hostname Fully qualified Hostname of Applications Manager is required for monitoring URLs with windows NTLM authentication. If this field does not have FQHN, we need to update it manually for proper URL NTLM monitoring
am.ntlm.hostdomainname This has the domain name of Applications Manager server which is required for monitoring URLs with windows NTLM authentication.
am.adminpollstry.count For Enterprise Edition, admin server will report that managed server is down according to polls to try set in this key. By default value is 1.
am.appmanager.hostname Hostname of Applications Manager which is used in alert mail, alarm escalation mail, report mails sent by Applications Manager.
am.external.hostname If Applications Manager is in DMZ or behind firewall and has an Internal and External Hostname/IP, we can set External hostname / Ip here so that when users access JRE Thread dumps, MySQL and Ingres Process list.
am.log.dir Key for changing location of logs directory. Not used by Applications Manager. Only used by IT360
am.wmi.encoding Encoding to be used for parsing vbscripts output in WMI mode
  • Under Settings tab, click on Server Settings under Product Settings.
  • Here is a list of keys that can be configured from the UI:

General Settings

Option Description
Maximum Subgroup level Number of levels of subgroups that can be created in a monitor group.
Raw data cleanuptime (hours) * Time period (in hours) of raw data stored in database for all non-conf monitor's attributes can be changed by using this key. Maximum time period allowed to retain the raw data is 24 hours.
Conf data cleanup interval (days) To change the clean interval of data stored in conf monitors, this key value is changed.
Week Start Day of MG outage comparison Report For Monitor group outage comparison week report, the week starts from Sunday.
OutOfMemoryException duration (mins) If 20 (am.oomexception.count) out of memory error occurs in less than 30 minutes (am.oomexception.duration), Applications Manager restarts
OutOfMemoryException count No of retries out of Memory errors occurred. Default set to 20.
Maximum threads for scheduler * Max threads allowed for Scheduler Task.
Generate heap dump for free JVM memory (MB) If free JVM memory is less than 20 MB, a heap dump for Applications Manager is generated.
Debug-Info directory size limit (MB) Old files in AppManagerworkingDebug-Info directory are cleared, once it reaches 80% of this key value.
Command size in Execute program action Changing the key value will increase the size limit of 400 characters, for commands in execute program.
Enable SSL * This key enables SSL (HTTPS) and will be enabled by default.
Enable Subgroups view If Enabled, displays subgroups in Alarms, Reports and New Monitor page's Monitor Group.
Enable Subgroups in SLA view Lists sub groups in SLA page, if enabled along with 'Enable subgroups view'.
Send mail on datacollection failure Admin receives email,if data collection for monitor(s) doesn't occur for more than an hour or if there are out Of memory errors or if data collection stops for 50% of monitors.
Disable datacleanup in business hours Enabling this key ,ensures that data cleanup doesn't happen between 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Open browser on Startup * If enabled, the browser automatically opens when Applications Manager starts.
Send Monitor Error Mail Sends a mail if data collection stopped for any monitor.
Enable file Upload Enables file uploads option in Settings tab -> Upload Files/Binaries
Delete Synced SQL files in Admin Server * Disabling this will ensure .sql files(sent from managed server to Admin server for syncing data) are not deleted in admin server, after syncing data.
Error poll count If any monitor error continuously occurs poll count times then error mail will be sent to admin id.
Maximum polling load factor to add monitor * Represents Managed server maximum polling load factor to add monitor
Maximum database load factor to add monitor * Represents Managed server maximum database load factor to add monitor
Managed server maximum monitor count * Maximum no.of monitors allowed per Managed server.
Enable weekly stray entries cleanup If enabled, it cleans up stray entries on Saturdays whenever Applications Manager is restarted. After the first cleanup is done, subsequent cleanups will take place on first Saturday of every month.
Poll limit (in days) Configures the time limit (in days) within which data should be polled. By default, poll value is restricted to 3 days (4320 minutes).

Note: Poll limit value should not exceed more than 365 days.

Note: Log clean-up in Applications Manager is an automatic process and logs are cleared without any changes in settings. To make changes in clean-up intervals refer to the table above and specify necessary values to the appropriate fields.

Availability Settings

Following are the list of options that are shown under Availability Settings. To enable/disable, click on Edit icon, select/deselect the option and click Save.

Option Description
Receive Ping Response Allows you to receive ping response for server monitors in RCA of availability attribute if the server availability goes down.
Enable NativePing Enables Native Ping to determine server monitor availability.
Enable PortTest Enables port test for Server monitoring.
Ports to test Ports mentioned here will be used for port test.
PortTest timeout in seconds Timeout value for checking the ports.
Ping retries Number of retries to execute the ping command in case of failure to check the availability of server.
Application Server timeout Tomcat, Apache, PHP, WebSphere monitor's connection time out value in minutes.

Threads Configuration

Option Description
Main * This thread is used for JMX/SNMP Dashboard,Schedule Reports
URLMonitor Thread * Monitors like HTTP(s) URLs,HTTP(s)-URL Sequence,SAP-CCMS uses this thread for data collection.
KeyValueMonitor Thread* Monitors like Active Directory Amazon,Cassandra,Ceph Storage,DNS Monitor,Database Query Monitor,Exchange Server,Script Monitor etc. uses this thread for data collection.
RBMMonitor Thread * Real Browser Monitoring uses this thread for data collection.
MQSeriesMonitor Thread * IBM Websphere MQ monitor uses this thread for data collection
DataCollection Thread * This thread is used for data collection of monitors like AIX,AS400/iSeries,Apache Server,DB2,FreeBSD / OpenBSD,HP-UX / Tru64 UNIX,IIS Server etc.
CustomMonitor Thread  * This thread used for data collection of Custom Attributes for monitors like RMI,WEBLOGIC-server,JBOSS-server,WebSphere-server,JMX1.2-MX4J-RMI.
WebServiceMonitor Thread * This thread is used for WebServices.
QueryMonitor Thread * This thread is used for Query Monitors.

Database Params Configuration

Option Description
No. of Database Connections * This key is used to configure the no.of non transaction connections to be established with the database.

JVM Params Configuration

Option Description
Maximum Java Heap Size (MB) * Maximum memory allocated for Applications Manager.
Maximum Permgen Size (MB) * Maximum Permgen size allocated for Applications Manager.

- Indicates changes will take effect only after restart of Applications Manager.

* - Enterprise Edition

Keys moved to DB

Apart from the keys specified in the and AvailabilityTests.conf files, some of the keys have been moved to the database (AM_ServerConfig) and can be configured only by enabling/disabling the respective keys in that database. To find out whether the required key is shown/hidden from the UI, navigate to Settings → Support → Database Summary → Query Tool and execute the command: SELECT * FROM AM_ServerConfig;. Then search for the required key and check the value displayed under SHOWKEYINUI column. If the value shown is f, then the key is hidden from the UI.

Following are the list of keys that are moved to the AM_ServerConfig database:

Key Option to configure in GUI Settings → Performance Polling → Servers
am.nosql.rediscover.interval Settings → Performance Polling → Database Servers
am.pingtest.command Settings → Performance Polling → Ping Monitor
am.repoll.interval Settings → Performance Polling → HTTP(s) URLs Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → JMX Application
am.dirsize.unit Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → File/Directory Monitor
am.ftp.filesize Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → FTP/SFTP Monitor
am.htmldata.jre.daystoretain Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → JavaRuntime Monitor
am.mqseries.ccsid Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → WebSphere Server
am.script.deleterow Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → Script Monitor
am.querymonitor.rowcount Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → Database Query Monitor
am.vsphere.connection.timeout Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → VMware ESX/ESXi Monitor
am.xen.resourcepool.discovery.enable Settings → Performance Polling → Optimize Data Collection → XenServer
am.ssl.enabled Settings → Server Setting → General Settings
am.senddcstoppedmail.enabled (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition Managed Servers) #
am.server.deleteMonitor.comparing.csvToCmdb #
am.server.defaultDiscovery.enabled #
am.userresource.onLogin.update #
am.querytracker.enable #
am.simple.theme.enabled #
am.startmonthread.enabled #
am.dbconnection.refresh #
am.useresource.operations.concurrent.update #
am.userResUpdateThread.schedule.interval #
am.server.maximum.thread.schedulerTask (Requires restart of Applications Manager)
am.enablenativeping Settings → Server Settings → Availability Settings

# Keys are hidden from the UI and can be displayed only by enabling in DB.