ServiceDesk Plus pre-release notification

(New features, enhancements, and bug fixes expected in the next release of ServiceDesk Plus Cloud)

July 24, 2024



Request and Solution Association

  • Technicians can associate solutions with requests from the request details page. The associated solutions are called as Referred Solutions.
  • The Resolution tab in request details page is revamped for better user experience.
  • In the solution details page, the associated requests can be tracked from the right pane or the Associations tab.
  • The option Show only approved solutions in the 'Suggested Solutions' list and 'Resolution' for technicians is added under Setup > Customization > Solution Management. This options displays only approved solutions to technicians while fetching solutions in Requests and Problems module.


Approvals for Problem

  • Configure and manage approvals for problems and automate approval actions through trigger-based and problem workflows. You can create multiple approvals as well as allow users to choose a sequential or parallel approval process from the Advance Portal Settings.

Configuring Approvals in Details Page

  • SDAdmins or technicians with the Modify Approval/Delete Approval role can configure approvals and approval levels from the problem details page.
  • To add a new approval, Under Approvals tab, click Add Approval Level.

Configuring Problem Approval from Workflow

  • You can also configure the approval from problem workflows. To do that, Go to Setup > Automation > Workflows > Problems In workflow, you can choose Approval under Action Nodes.

Automate Problem Approval

  • Automate approval for problems under Setup > Automation > Custom Actions > Approvals.
  • Under Approval Settings, you can choose to apply the global settings configured under Setup > General Settings > Approval Settings or use the custom settings.

Problem-Release Association

  • Associate problems with releases and track all the problems that are fixed in a release. Track the problems that are raised when a release is deployed.
  • Notify release engineer and problem technician when a problem gets associated/dissociated with a release.


FAFR for Custom Module

  • Form Rules is now supported for Custom Module. You can use it to mandate fields or show/hide fields in the custom module form as per user groups or other criteria.
  • Additionally, you have the option to Disable spot edit in the record form when Form Rule is configured.

Service catalogue customization

  • You can customize the layout and sequence of the service categories and templates inside each service category.
  • Choose your preferred layout type (Panel, Card, or List) and your preferred way to display the description (Default or On Hover)
  • You can select the Expand all option in Card and List view to expand the service categories and display the templates inside.
  • You can change the icons of request templates by selecting an icon from the Library or Upload icons using Browse or Attach from Cloud.
  • Service category icon pop up has been updated and also supports Attach from Cloud.
  • Template icons will be visible anywhere request templates are listed.
  • Incident templates are grouped as General Incident Templates where request templates are listed.

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