I know many of you would already have a separate project management tool for managing your IT and would have jumped to the conclusion that you don’t really see the need for a Project Management module in a help desk. First things first! Project Management module in IT might not seem any different from the regular tool already existing in your setup, but certainly comes with its merits: The advantage of a value-added integration to your help desk makes a world of difference in the way you handle your IT. Let’s see how.
Configuring and setting up ITSM practises is an enormous task with many hurdles that includes people, processes, third-party tools and various other factors. Having a separate Project Management Module and Process is like having an override switch (Project) over your IT processes. Every time the override happens, you will yet again be stuck doing the dirty work of cleaning up the redundant mess created by this override. So let me first explain the advantages of having a Project Management Module in IT Helpdesk:
Instead of seeing it as yet another tool with the same functionalities, you should look at it as a tool that gives you the added advantage of seamless integration. A parallel can be drawn between having a large screen TV in your living room and having a small screen TV in your car. The larger TV obviously serves a specific purpose and has been designed with that purpose in mind while the TV in the car provides you with a viewing experience that is comfortable while traveling. Thoughtful, right?
So try implementing Project Management in your IT setup and take it from me, you will definitely see the integrated value in it.
This article was originally published in ManageEngine's blog.