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SharePoint Statistics reports

Statistical Reports - SharePoint Reporting

View general statistics about sites, users, and your environment at large, including the number of farms, content databases, web applications, and site collections. These reports also provide information on the amount of disk space occupied by each SharePoint object.

  • Farm statistics: Lists the number of web applications, site collections, sites, and servers installed under each farm.
  • Web application statistics: Provides the number of content databases, site collections, sites, and lists under each web application.
  • Content database statistics: Lists the number of site collections and site users for each content database, including the maximum number of site collections, the disk space occupied, and the threshold limit.
  • Site collection statistics: Presents the URL for all site collections and the number of all contained sites, lists, and document libraries, as well as how much disk space the site collections occupy.
  • Site statistics: Provides the URL for all sites and the number of all contained sites, lists, and document libraries.
  • Site user statistics: Presents all site URLs, along with the number of contained site groups and users.

View statistical reports on every SharePoint object

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