1. How does CloudSpend pricing work?
- Pricing example 1
Let's assume that you have integrated three standalone master (payer) accounts—Internal
IT, Production, and Development with ManageEngine CloudSpend. We calculate the monthly costs
for CloudSpend using our pricing tier as follows.
Cloud bill for March
- Internal IT: $636.64/mo
- Production: $1,500.35/mo
- Development: $800.90/mo
In this example, the total aggregate cloud bill at the end of the month is $2,937.89 ($636.64
+ $1,500.35 + $800.90) that is lower than our pricing tier. Therefore, the total
ManageEngine CloudSpend charge is $0.
Pricing example 2
Let's assume a similar example for the month of April
Cloud bill for April
- Internal IT: $1,000.56/mo
- Production: $3,500.24/mo
- Development: $2198.79/mo
In this example, the total aggregate cloud bill at the end of the month is $6,699.59/mo that
meets our pricing tier, resulting in a total charge of $36.99/mo ($6,699.59 — $3, 000)
* 0.01).
2. How does the free trial work? Are there any limits?
During your 30-day free trial, you can integrate upto five payer accounts with ManageEngine
CloudSpend. However, for each payer account, a maximum of three month's items in the cloud
Cost and Usage Report (from the day of integration) will only be parsed and populated in the
3. How can I upgrade my ManageEngine CloudSpend account?
To upgrade, you can either provide credit card information, or generate an invoice online to
buy purchase order (PO) credits.
4. After upgrading can I view more than two months' historical cost data?
Yes. You can get in touch with our support team at cloudspend-support@manageengine.com
that will help you backfill historical cost and usage data that your payer account accrued
before the evaluation period.
5. My cloud bill is below $3,000 a month? Do I need to upgrade?
As long as the cumulative monthly charge for your payer account is below $3,000, you don't
need to. However, if it exceeds $3,000, your account will be moved to a downgraded state. We
recommend you upgrade, so you can continue to visualize and manage cloud costs without any
6. What happens when my account gets downgraded?
We won't capture any new updates to the cloud Cost and Usage report. Also, your ability to
integrate new payer accounts, as well as create new budgets and business units will be
limited. Before your account is downgraded, we will send you email providing details on how
to upgrade so you can continue to efficiently manage your cloud and cloud costs.
Additionally, if the downgraded account has no activity for 30 days, the account billing data
alone will be removed. Nevertheless, the configuration details like billing configuration,
reports, budgets, or any cost analytics performed previously will be available for
7. What are Purchase Order (PO) Credits?
PO Credits are a form of advanced payment. You can generate an invoice on the Zoho Payments
portal for any number of credits. With ManageEngine CloudSpend you pay based on your cloud
bill. The rate you are charged depends on which pricing tier your bill meets. PO credits are
applied to your CloudSpend charges to cover your cost.
8. Do PO credits have an expiry date?
No. PO credits are not time-sensitive. We will transfer unused credits to the next billing
9. What happens when I don't have sufficient PO credits to pay for the previous
month's charge?
This indicates a negative credit balance. We will downgrade your account if negative credit
balance exceeds six times more than the previous month's charge.
10. When will I be charged?
Our billing cycle begins on the 15th of each month.
11. For what period would I be charged once I upgrade my account?
Let's assume you upgrade your account on May 10. Your billing cycle will begin on May 15 and
end on June 14. On June 15, a charge will be applied to your credit card or PO credits
calculated from your cloud bill for May and that reflects the pricing tier you meet.
12. How would I be charged if I don't immediately upgrade after the evaluation
Let's assume your evaluation period ended on May 30, and you upgrade your account on August
1. Your first billing cycle will begin on August 15, and it will contain CloudSpend charges
for both June and July. Note: Charges only apply if the monthly cloud bill for June or July
meets our pricing tier.