• These challenges translate into several client management hurdles
  • How can Log360 MSSP help overcome these challenges?
  • Going beyond MSSP functionalities, what sets Log360 MSSP apart in terms of SIEM features?

These challenges translate into several client management hurdles

  • Cumbersome authentication processes: Managing multiple sets of credentials for accessing various client systems and applications brings in a lot of complexity. Manual handling of authentication processes increases the likelihood of security breaches.
  • Complexity in license management: Juggling licenses for various components across multiple clients can be confusing and time-consuming. Tracking license usage, renewals, and upgrades becomes challenging.
  • Fragmented technician management: Coordinating the activities of security technicians across different client environments poses a significant challenge. Tasks such as assignments, progress tracking, and accountability become disjointed and error-prone.
  • Data isolation concerns: Maintaining strict data isolation between clients is crucial for preserving confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access. However, achieving this isolation manually or through disparate systems can lead to gaps or errors.

How can Log360 MSSP help overcome these challenges?

  • Centralized license management: Streamlines license management across multiple clients with a centralized dashboard, enabling efficient license usage tracking for renewals and upgrades.
  • Centralized technician management: Simplifies technician management by centralizing task assignment and facilitating easy technician onboarding. This ensures seamless collaboration and efficient workflow management.
  • Data isolation: Ensures strict data isolation between different client environments, safeguarding the confidentiality of client data and mitigating the risk of data breaches.
  • Client health monitoring: Proactively monitors the security posture and health of client environments in real time to detect and respond to security incidents swiftly. Log360 MSSP has a dedicated dashboard to monitor the health of a client's network and its components.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): Streamlines user access management with centralized SSO, simplifying the authentication process and reducing the risk of password-related security incidents.

Try simplified client management firsthand

Going beyond MSSP functionalities, what sets Log360 MSSP apart in terms of SIEM features?

Apart from the MSSP-specific features, Log360 MSSP offers a range of core SIEM functionalities. A few of them are:

  • Continuous log monitoring and auditing: Log360 MSSP performs round-the-clock monitoring and auditing of critical infrastructure components, including network traffic, user activity, and system configurations. By detecting deviations from baseline behavior, Log360 MSSP helps you maintain each of your client's security posture.
  • Regulatory compliance: Log360 MSSP offers compliance management capabilities, helping organizations navigate complex regulatory landscapes with ease. By providing predefined compliance reports, audit trails, and real-time compliance monitoring, the solution ensures adherence to industry regulations and standards.
  • Real-time alerting: Log360 MSSP promptly notifies security teams about suspicious activities or potential security breaches. Leveraging customizable alert thresholds, Log360 MSSP enables MSSPs to tailor alerts to their clients' specific risk profiles, reducing false positives
  • Custom correlation: Log360 MSSP uncovers hidden patterns within security data with correlation, pinpointing potential threats swiftly. Log360 MSSP's custom correlation helps MSSPs to refine correlation rules based on their clients' networks. By incorporating contextual information, such as asset criticality and user behavior, custom correlation enhances the precision of threat detection.
  • Threat intelligence: Log360 MSSP swiftly detects and mitigates threats by integrating open source and commercial feeds. It blocks malicious sources and prevents data breaches. With advanced analytics, it offers insights into geolocation and attack techniques, ensuring proactive threat management.
  • Incident response: Log360 MSSP enables rapid response to security incidents, minimizing their impact. By automating the response process, this feature ensures timely threat mitigation, helping MSSPs contain breaches swiftly, safeguarding their clients' assets and maintaining operational resilience.

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What is MSSP?

A detailed explainer, including the services MSSPs offer, the basis of evaluation, pricing, and everything else you need to know.


SIEM strategies for MSSPs

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Client management and data isolation

Learn to simplify client management with Log360 MSSP.