Agent Installation Failure for Mac/Linux Computers
You are trying to install the Agent and the installation fails for computers using Mac/Linux operating system.
Agent installation might fail due to one or more reasons, they are :
Follow the steps mentioned below to complete agent installation.
Connection Failure
The Central Server is unable to reach the target computer to install the agent. This could be because of the following reasons
Host Not Reachable:
Ensure that the target computer is live and running. You can verify it, by trying to establish remote connection between the target computer and the server.
Login Failure
- Ensure that Mac/ Linux agent settings has been configured under Admin -> Mac / Linux Agent settigs with appropriate credentials.
- Make sure that SSH & SCP communication is enabled on the target computer. To know more, about establishing the SSH & SCP communication, you can refer to this: ;
- The specified root user should have permission to access the target computer. To verify it, go to the "Terminal" on the target comptuer and search for the conf file '/etc/ssh/sshd_config', ensure that the 'PermitRootLogin' is set as "yes".
Push Failure
Patch Manager Plus is unable to push the agent to the target computer. This could be due to:
- Target computer has been disconnected during the process of pushing the agent
- There is no sufficient disk space on the target computer.
- User does not have permission to access the default home directory.
If the problem still persists, you can contact support with the
Server logs.