Compliance reporting software
What is a compliance report?
Compliance reports provide an overview of an organization's adherence to various security standards set by regulatory bodies. These reports help identify any risks associated with non-compliance so businesses can mitigate them as quickly as possible. Many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and telecommunications, use compliance auditing and reporting tools to gather information on different activities and processes across the organization and ensure that internal data is protected at all costs.
The importance of compliance auditing and reporting
Sensitive enterprise data is always at risk of being compromised. These days, organizations must establish network security processes to secure sensitive information and meet regulatory guidelines. Observing these regulatory compliance audit guidelines is critical since being non-compliant can result in severe penalties.
Companies must demonstrate adherence to the various security standards during compliance audits by producing the corresponding reports. Regulatory bodies also require organizations to retain log data over long periods from their network devices and applications to allow the auditors to authenticate security incidents by checking the audit trails.
Compliance auditing and reporting tools, such as EventLog Analyzer, audit the logs generated in your network to help ensure your company is compliant with all regulations.

Benefits of automated compliance reporting
It's important to note that no organization can be fully compliant with all regulations at all times, which is why it's important to have a system in place that monitors compliance on an ongoing basis. This ensures that when there are changes or updates made to regulations, you can take immediate action before your business falls out of compliance.
How you can simplify IT compliance reporting with EventLog Analyzer
EventLog Analyzer can help your organization meet all its regulatory obligations by providing an audit trail of events across all systems, applications, and networks and helping identify areas of risk. This compliance reporting software allows you to generate predefined compliance reports for regulations such as PCI DSS, FISMA, GLBA, SOX, HIPAA, or ISO 27001 by collecting, analyzing, and archiving Windows event logs and syslogs received from your network infrastructure.
EventLog Analyzer generates compliance reports easily by monitoring your network and sensitive data in real time. It also helps organizations retain and archive log data for custom periods, enabling you to perform forensic analysis on the archived logs to meet compliance audit requirements, investigate data thefts, and track network intruders.
With the world becoming more digitized, more regulations continue to come into play, including the GDPR and HIPAA. EventLog Analyzer can help with data protection, access rights, compliance alerting, and much more.
EventLog Analyzer | Compliance reporting benefits
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Compliance Reports for PCI DSS, FISMA, ISO 27001, HIPAA, SOX and GLBA
PCI DSS | Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standards Compliance Report
If your organization stores, transmits or processes customer credit card data, then you must comply with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standards).
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was created to meet the rising threat to credit cardholder personal information. They include card information thefts either from within the organization handling it or from external brute forces. Compliance to PCI-DSS is mandatory for all organizations dealing with credit, debit and ATM cards, as defined by the PCI Security Standards Council, which includes industry giants like Visa, Master Card and American Express.
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet FISMA Compliance
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act Compliance Report
All government agencies, government contractors, and organizations that deal and exchange data with government systems must follow FISMA compliance guidelines. Organizations have to monitor, retain and maintain audit records of all security events as per FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act).
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet FISMA Compliance
SOX | Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Report
The SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) legislation requires companies to implement processes and controls to protect financial data. All companies need to produce the SOX report that tells the auditors in detail on how data security is handled internally.
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet SOX Compliance
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance Report
The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulation impacts health care organizations which exchange patient health information electronically. HIPAA regulations were established to protect the integrity and security of health information, including protection against unauthorized use or disclosure of the confidential information.
HIPAA states that a security management process must exist in order to protect against "attempted or successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or interference with system operations". When breach of medical records occur, healthcare service providers damage their brand value and end up paying a hefty monetary penalty.
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet HIPAA Compliance
GLBA | Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Compliance Report
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) insists that every financial institution should have polices and processes in place to protect "non-public personal information" from threats.
It is necessary that a security management process exists in order to protect against attempted or successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or interference of customer records. In other words, being able to monitor, report and alert on attempted or successful access to systems and applications that contain sensitive customer information.
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet GLBA Compliance
ISO 27001 | Information Security Management System (ISMS) Compliance
ISO 27001 is the international standard for securing your information assets from threats. It is the best-known standard that provides precise requirements for a holistic information security management.
Read how EventLog Analyzer helps you meet ISO 27001 Compliance
Value Added Feature to Create Reports for New Compliance and Customize Compliance Reports
Create Report for New Compliance
EventLog Analyzer provides a feature to create reports for new audit compliances.
Custom Compliance Reports
EventLog Analyzer allows you to customize the existing compliance reports.
Other features
EventLog Analyzer offers log management, file integrity monitoring, and real-time event correlation capabilities in a single console that help meeting SIEM needs, combat security attacks, and prevent data breaches.
Centrally manage log data from sources across the network. Get predefined reports and real-time alerts that help meeting the security, compliance, and operational needs.
Monitor critical changes to confidential files/folders with real-time alerts. Get detailed information such as 'who made the change, what was changed, when and from where' with predefined reports.
Centrally collect log data from Windows servers or workstations, Linux/Unix servers, network devices viz., routers, switches, & firewalls, and applications using agent less or agent based methods.
Analyze log data from sources across the network. Detect anomalies, track critical security events, and monitor user behaviors with predefined reports, intuitive dashboards, and instant alerts.
Perform in-depth forensic analysis to backtrack attacks and identify the root cause of incidents. Save search queries as alert profile to mitigate future threats.
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