MS SQL Server Audit Event: 24003

SQL » 24003: Login failed

24003: Login failed

Event 24003 occurs when a user attempts to log in to an SQL server and fails. Repeated occurrences of this event in a short span of time could indicate an attack on the server. Therefore, auditing this event is essential for maintaining server security. Action groups consist of all the relevant events together, making it easy for an administrator to identify an event's type just by looking at its action group. This event is generated by the FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP action group. This event includes important information, like the:

  • Date and time at which the failed login attempt occurred.
  • Session identifier of the event.
  • Name and type of the target object (in this case, the SQL server login).

MS SQL Server Auditing Tool

EventLog Analyzer is a comprehensive log management software with which you can centrally collect, analyze, and manage logs from all the different log sources in your network. You also get reports and alerts on your network security, making it a power-packed IT security tool.