
You are trying to install powershell scripts using custom script configuration and you get an error message"Powershell Script Engine is not installed in the client computer"


You will get this error message if powershell script engine is not installed in the client computer.


To resolve this issue, we recommend you to install the Powershell script engine in the client computers. To install the powershell script engine follow the steps mentioned below;

  1. Go to Software Deployment tab and select Add Package.
  2. Create a package using Templates
    Choose the appropriate template from the below mentioned list as per your system requirement,
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows XP 32bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows Vista 64bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows Vista 32bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows 2003 64bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows 2003 32bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows 2008 X64bit
    Windows Management Framework Core for Windows 2008 X86
  3. Click Go To Package
  4. Click the Package and Under Action specify whether it need to be deployed to computers or users
  5. Specify the Configuration Name and Description
  6. Deploy it to the Target Computers.

You can now see that powershell script engine will be deployed on the specified client machines.

Applies to: Powershell Script, Software Deployment failure, Software Deployment Status

Keywords:Powershell Script engine, Install Software on Remote desktops, Software Installation Error

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