Disabling two-factor authentication

How do I disable two-factor authentication in Patch Connect Plus?

Patch Connect Plus administrator can disable the two-factor authentication in the product console from admin tab -> user administration -> disable secure authentication.

What if the user/administrator cannot access Google Authenticator?

If a user/administrator has deleted or unable to access the Google Authenticator account,
He/she can contact other users with administrator privilege to restore two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator. Administrator can also re-send the QR code via e-mail from Admin tab -> User Administration -> Actions (Under the appropriate user) -> Re-send QR Code.

How to disable two-factor authentication if there are no other administrators available or email server is unreachable?

Follow the below steps to disable the two-factor authentication.

  1. From the machine in which your Patch Connect Plus server is running, navigate to services.msc and stop your Patch Connect Plus Server service.
  2. Using command prompt in administrator mode, navigate to <Install_Dir>\PatchConnectPlus\bin directory and execute ExecuteQuery.bat disable2FA.xml.
  3. Start Patch Connect Plus service from services.msc.
  4. Now login to the Patch Connect Plus web console using a different browser to avoid any cache issues.

Note: Following the above steps will disable two-factor authentication for all the Patch Connect Plus users. However, You can enable it again by navigating to admin tab -> user administration -> secure authentication -> enable two-factor authentication.