While trying to install patches using SCCM you get an error "%1 is not a valid win32 application."
You might get this error due to one of the following reasons:
- Incomplete patch download from SCCM server's Distribution points to the clients
- Downloaded file is corrupted.
Open Command Promt with administrator privileges and execute the following commands
- Stop Windows update service using this command - net stop wuauser
- Remove "SoftwareDistribution" folder from the client computers using this command - rd C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution /S /Q
- Start Windows update service using this command - net start wuauserv
- To reinstall the third party updates follow the below steps in the client machine,
- Open Control panel
- In the view by option select small icons
- Select Configuration manager and the configuration properties diolog box will open
- Under Action tab select Software Update Scan Cycle and click Run Now
- Under Action tab select Update Deployment Eveluation Cycle and click Run Now
In case if this problem continues, kindly Contact Support
Keywords: Third-party Patch Management, Publish Patches, Download Patches