PowerShell » Get-wmi object

Get-Check CPU and Memory Utilization Using PowerShell

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Exchange Online Reports

In Windows PowerShell there is no exclusive cmdlet to find out the CPU and memory utilization rates. You can use the get-wmi object cmdlet along with required parameters to fetch the results.

Example to fetch CPU and memory utilization using Get-WMI object cmdlet:

To fetch CPU utilization

$Processor = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Exchserver -Class win32_processor -ErrorAction Stop | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average | Select-Object Average).Average

To fetch memory utilization

$ComputerMemory = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $Exchserver -Class win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction Stop
$Memory = ((($ComputerMemory.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $ComputerMemory.FreePhysicalMemory)*100)/ $ComputerMemory.TotalVisibleMemorySize) $RoundMemory = [math]::Round($Memory, 2)

Both the examples are scripted using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet and display the level of CPU and memory utilization (in percentage) for the Exchange Server named Exchserver.

Exchange Reporter Plus does away with the need to think and script such complex PowerShell codes. You can instead opt to generate reports in a click of a button and monitor the CPU and memory utilization levels easily.

Steps for monitoring CPU and memory utilization using Exchange Reporter Plus:

    • Go to the Monitoring tab on the top pane.
    • Navigate to Server Monitoring on left side.
    • From the drop-down choose CPU Utilization report or Memory Utilization report.
    • Enter the period  for report generation.
    • Select  the type of view in which you want the report to be presented. (Summary, default or custom view).



Why choose Exchange Reporter Plus?

    • Report Scheduling:  Schedule reports to be automatically generated and sent to concerned stakeholders such as IT admins and managers through email.
    • Quick access and export options: Add reports to favourites to access them easily and export reports to different file formats such as PDF, HTML, XLS and CSV.
    • Filter and alerting options: Add or remove columns from the report generated to view information relevant to your needs. Use advanced filters options available to customize your search and configure alert profiles for specific actions to get real-time updates.
    • Technician Delegation: Delegate different reports to different technicians. Have control over who gets access to what. You can also protect your reports with passwords.
    • Easy-to-analyse reports: Generate reports on periodic basis, per domain basis, tenant-wise or get an overall summary as you choose. Get graphical and dashboard representation of complex analytical data.
    • Log Forwarding to SIEM solutions: Integrate with other SIEM solutions such as splunk and syslog and forward logs to them for analytical purposes.

To find out more about the benefits of using Exchange Reporter Plus reports over PowerShell codes, click here.

A single pane of glass for Exchange Server Monitoring, Reporting and Auditing