Windows server backup configuration

RecoveryManager Plus supports three backup configuration options.

  • Bare metal backup – This method allows you to back up all parts of your Windows servers, including the system state, all system partitions, and all files and folders present in the server. Using a bare metal backup, you can restore the entire server from scratch in case of a complete breakdown.
  • Volume level backup – This method allows you to back up individual volumes of your Windows server, for example, a local drive.
  • File level backup – This method allows you to back up individual folders or files in your Windows server. For instance, you can configure a backup schedule for a documents folder that is very critical to your organization.

This section will elaborate on how you can set up Windows servers and domain controllers for backup.

When you are configuring a server for backup for the first time,

  • Navigate to Active DirectoryWindows ServerBackup Configuration.
  • A list of all domain controllers and servers present in the selected domain will be listed. Select the servers that you wish to configure for backup and click Configure for Backup.
  • In the pop-up that appears, select the frequency at which the servers must be backed up fully. By default, the schedule is set to run every Sunday at 02:00 AM. To modify the schedule, click the icon and select from the list of available options: Monthly, weekly, or daily.
  • If you do not require RecoveryManager Plus to take incremental backups of your servers, do not select the Require Incremental Backup option.
  • To take incremental backups, select the Require Incremental Backup. Choose the frequency at which the incremental backups must be taken. By default, the schedule is set to run Daily at 05:00 AM. To modify the schedule, click the icon and select from the list of available options: Monthly, weekly, or daily.
  • In the Repository field, click the drop-down box to select from the list of all available repositories. If no repositories are available, click the icon to add a new repository.
    • In the Repository Name field, enter a name for the repository.
    • In the Repository Path, enter the path to the location where you wish to save the backups.
    • Enter the credentials of a user that can read and write the content in the specified storage location and click Add.
  • Enter the number of full backups that you wish to retain in the Retain last field.
  • Select Encryption if you wish to encrypt your backups. Enter and confirm as password for your encryption.
  • Based on the type of backup (bare metal, volume level, file level) you wish to perform, drag and drop the server to the corresponding field.
  • If you choose to back up at the volume or file level, you’ll have to specify the volumes or files that are to be backed up by the product.
    • To specify the volume or file, hover over the server name and click the icon.
    • Enter the credentials of a user who can access the volume or file to be backed up and click Save.
    • Select the volumes/files that you wish to backup and click Save.

    Note: If you have configured a schedule to back up a specific volume or folder, any new files/folders created within the selected volume or folder will also be backed up during the next backup cycle.

  • Click Configure to complete setting up the server for backup.
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