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Apple Enrollment

Before we setup Mobile Device Management, let us first understand the architecture behind managing mobile devices over-the-air (OTA). All Communications from Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP to the managed iOS device will be routed through Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). A live TCP connection is maintained for intermediate service. APNs acts as an intermediate wake up service to wake up the device whenever an action is triggered to be performed from the Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP. Managed mobile device communicates with Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP to receive the instructions and report back the status and data.

For the above setup to work, the following ports need to be configured.

Ports Details

Ports that needs to be opened at Mobile Device Manager Plus Server

  • 9383 - Used for secured communication between the agent and the Mobile Device Manager Plus

Ports that need to be opened for managing Apple devices:

  • The following URLs, api.push.apple.com:443 and gateway.push.apple.com:2195 should be white listed for the MDM MSP Server to contact Apple Push Notification Services(APNs)

  • Port 5223 must be open if the managed devices access Internet via Wi-Fi. For better security, you can restrict these connections on the IP range If all the managed devices have access to cellular data network, then this is not required

It is recommended to configure your Proxy settings, NAT settings and the mail server settings, which would useful for various operations while managing the mobile device.
See Also: Device Authentication,Enroll Apple Devices,  Enroll Android Devices, Enroll KNOX Devices, Enroll Windows Devices, Self Enrollment,Customize ME MDM App
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