Firewall Analyzer - FAQ - How to share a common folder with primary and secondary servers

Note: The steps below are for sharing a common folder with primary and secondary servers. Click here for the steps to share Firewall Analyzer primary and secondary folders with one another for failover configuration. Before sharing the common folder, ensure that the pre-requisites specified here are satisfied.

  • Right click on the folder you wish to share and click on Properties.
  • Under Sharing tab, Click on Advanced Sharing.

  • Check the Share this folder option and provide a Share Name.
  • Click on Permissions. In the window that opens, click on Add.

  • Click on Object Types and make sure that both 'Computers' and 'Users' options are selected. This will allow you to share the file with a particular device in the network.

  • Specify the primary and secondary server names with which you wish to share the folder. Click on Check Names to select the server name from the list and click ok.

  • Specify the users with whom you wish to share the folder. Click on Check Names to select the user name from the list and click ok.

  • Select the required users and servers and select the access privilige as Full Control.

  • Click on Apply

Now a shared folder path will be displayed on the screen. Make sure that the shared folder path is accessible without credentials from the primary and secondary servers to which it has been shared.


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