How is the interface name fetched by OpManager?

During Interface Discovery, OpManager queries the ifName (., ifDescr (. and ifAlias (. OIDs and constructs the Interface DisplayName as mentioned in the table below.

IfDescription IfAlias IfName Interface Display Name
Not null Not null - (Any value) IFDescription-IfAlias
Not null Null Not null IFDescription-IfName
Not null Null Null IFDescription
Null Not null Not null ifName-ifAlias
Null Not null Not null IfName
Null Null Null -

p.s: The priority is from Top to Bottom.

Example 1:

ifDescription - Software Loopback Interface 1
ifAlias - Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
ifName - loopback_1

Interface Display name: Software Loopback Interface 1-Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1

Example 2:

ifDescription - Software Loopback Interface 1
ifAlias - NULL (or) EMPTY
ifName - loopback_1

Interface Display name: Software Loopback Interface 1-loopback_1

Example 3:

ifDescription - NULL (or) EMPTY
ifAlias - Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1
ifName - loopback_1

Interface Display name: loopback_1-Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1

Interface Name
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