Reporting by Exchange Reporter Plus

  1. First time Reporting.

  2. Up-to-date Reporting

  3. Data Gathering schedules and Reporting for other Exchange objects

  4. Modifying the scheduled tasks

First time collection of data for reporting:


Essential Data from Active Directory and Exchange server are gathered as and when an Exchange organization is added (or) immediately after installation. This information will be reported by Exchange Reporter Plus immediately.

Distribution list membership, Mailbox account properties, Message tracking logs, Outlook Web Access (OWA) logs information can be obtained only when a gathering task is executed. Hence Exchange Reporter Plus runs a "run immediately gathering task" for the following. Distribution List membership gathering, Mailbox account properties gathering, Message tracking logs gathering and Outlook Web Access (OWA) logs gathering to report for the first time.


Up-to-date Reporting by Exchange Reporter Plus

Immediately on installation of the product or addition of an Exchange Organization in Exchange Reporter Plus, 5 daily schedules are automatically configured. This allows data to be populated into Exchange Reporter Plus database and allows for up-to-date reporting on a daily basis.

Scheduled "Data Gathering Tasks" that will run on a daily basis automatically after installation/ adding Exchange Organization is complete.

  1. Essential data gathering

  2. Distribution list membership gathering

  3. Mailbox account properties gathering

  4. Message tracking logs gathering

  5. Outlook Web Access (OWA) logs gathering

The automatically configured Data Gathering daily schedules listed above allows for consequent data gatherings on a daily basis. This allows the reports to be up to date.


Data Gathering schedules and Reporting for other Exchange objects:


Data Gathering tasks like Mailbox content Gathering, Public Folder Properties Gathering and Public Folder Content Gatherings are not scheduled by default and are to be scheduled manually.

To schedule New data gathering tasks click on the "Schedule New Tasks" link above the "Scheduled Tasks" table.


Modifying the scheduled tasks:


Any of the scheduled tasks that are listed under the "Scheduled Tasks" table can be modified, deleted, disabled and enabled.

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