Scheduling of Reports


Schedules can be set up in Exchange Reporter Plus to run selected reports automatically at specified time intervals. Exchange Reporter Plus can also be configured to automatically send an email of these scheduled reports to one or more users.


The reports scheduled to run are generated and stored at a user defined storage path. These reports and can be e-mailed as a compressed zip file, a link or as an attachment in any of the listed formats - pdf, xls or csv.


To Schedule a New Report



Schedule Name

Enter a unique name to identify this schedule


Enter a description corresponding to the schedule name.

Organization Name

Select the Organaization Name from the drop down. The Drop Down lists all configured Exchange Organizations.


Scheduling a Report


Once the schedule name, its description and the Organization from where the schedule is to be run is defined, the actual schedule creation needs to be done. The Scheduler Creation section of Exchange Reporter Plus discusses about.


Selecting a Report to be scheduled

Select a Report Category from the dropdown.

Select the Report from the dropdown.(Only reports corresponding to the Report Category will be listed).

Schedule Report Frequency

The "Selected Reports" can be scheduled on a 'Hourly', 'Daily', 'Weekly' or 'Monthly' basis. The report is scheduled to run once for the frequency selected.

Schedule Report Format

The Scheduled Reports can be stored in 'pdf', 'xls', or 'csv' formats. They are stored at the "File Storage Path" entered by click on the "File Storage Path" link.

Email Notification

The scheduled report can be e-mailed to any email-id entered in the "specify email address" box on providing a check against "Email this scheduled report".


Select Reports


Exchange Reporter Plus allows you to select and run reports at scheduled times. The selection of all reports that are to be scheduled is done from the drop down.

Select a Report Category from the dropdown.

Select the Report from the dropdown.(Only reports corresponding to the Report Category will be listed).



Schedule Report Frequency


Different schedules will require different frequencies to be selected and this is facilitated here. Exchange Reporter Plus allows to select the below frequencies.


The schedule can be selected for daily, weekly or hourly by selecting the respective radio buttons.





If you want to schedule this report to run every hour, enter the time after which this report has to run every one hour.


If you want to schedule this report to run every day, enter the time at which this report has to run every day. With data being fetched  24 hours from time of schedule (or) The previous day (0:00 hours to 23:59 hours)


If you want to schedule this report to run every week, enter the date and time at which this report has to run every week. With data being fetched  7 days from day of schedule (or) The previous week (Monday to Sunday).


If you want to schedule this report to run every month, enter the day and time at which this report has to run every month. With data being fetched  30 days from day of schedule (or) The previous month (Day 1  to Day 30).


Provided below are the steps to schedule an hourly report


"Selected Reports" or the "Schedule" will be scheduled to run once every hour.


To set the frequency of the schedule to "Hourly".

  • Previous Hour    - When a user selects the "Last Hour" option from the drop down. The data will be fetched once every time the clock ticks a valid hour. Eg. (9:00 O' Clock, 10:00 O' clock etc.,)

  • Last 60 minutes - This depends on the start time selected. The data will be fetched exactly 1 hour (60 minutes) from the time selected as start time.



Schedule Report Format


The Scheduled Reports can be stored in 'pdf', 'xls', or 'csv' formats by selecting the format of choice from the drop down.


They are stored at the "File Storage Path" entered by click on the "File Storage Path" link.

  1. The default "File Storage Path" is ' %Product Home Folder%\webapps\erp\schedule-reports\ '. The user can change the storage path for the scheduled reports to any desired location.

  2. Outside the product it is 'D:\Exchange Reporter Plus\schedule-reports\ '


If you modify the default "File storage path", scheduled reports cannot be viewed through the web console.


Email Notification


The scheduled report can be sent to any email-id entered in the text box "specify email address" on providing a check against "Email this scheduled report".


Email Notification requires

  1. Configuring the "Message Settings"

  2. Emailing the Scheduled Report

Message Settings

The "Message Settings" needs to be configured to define the text message and the format (link or attachment) in which the scheduled report will be delivered to a users email id.


To configure the "Message Settings"

Options selected to email or publish a scheduled report:


Email Reports as an attachment

Reports are emailed as an attachment. The format of choice is selected under "Schedule Report Format" and could be any of the slected formats pdf, csv, or xls.

Email Reports as a Zip File

The selected reports are compressed to a zip format and emailed.

Publish the report and email the link alone

Selecting this option the reports are published and the published link alone is emailed to users.


Emailing a Scheduled Report:


To notify a scheduled report by email:

This will email the scheduled report in the desired format (selected under "message settings") to all entered email addresses.


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