Shared Mailbox Reports

These reports help you audit your organization's shared mailboxes to find out exactly which users accessed them and when. Exchange Reporter Plus provides granular reports on shared mailboxes and their permissions to keep you in the loop. The two reports available are:


Shared mailboxes


Get complete details about shared mailboxes in Exchange, including their email addresses, last logon time, last logon user, server and department name, and more.

To view the Shared Mailboxes report:

Shared mailbox permissions


This report helps you discover all the Active Directory users and groups who have permissions over shared mailboxes in your organization. It displays information such as the name of each user and group, with information on the access rights they have over select mailboxes, whether the permission is inherited or assigned, if deny permission is set, the user's domain name, and more.

To view the Shared Mailbox Permissions report:

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