Monitor services running in the secondary IP address of server

OpManager monitors the services running in the secondary IP address of the server using pgsql

Follow the steps given below to monitor the services running in the secondary IP address of the server:

1. Connect to pgsql database using the following command:
cmd> cd [OpManagerHome]\pgsql\\bin>
cmd> psql.exe -U postgres -p 13306 OpManagerDB

2. Use the pgsql update command to change the IP address to look at:
pgsql> update InetService set TARGETADDRESS=' where TARGETADDRESS=''; is the secondary interface of the device is the primary interface of the device. OpManager should have discovered the device through this interface.

And update the TARGETADDRESS only for the interface on which a particular service runs.

Try using the following command:

pgsql> update InetService set TARGETADDRESS='' where TARGETADDRESS='' and NAME='machine-name-or-ip-address_ServiceName_Portnumber';

where machine-name-or-ip-address refers to the machine name or ip address of the device to be monitored ( it is mostly the primary interface in case of ip address)

ServiceName is the name of the service to be monitored which can one among Web, FTP, Telnet, MySQL etc.. as specified under Admin -> Service Monitors

Portnumber is the port on which the service runs like 80, 21, 23, 3306 etc...

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